
I think I know what they are trying to do with this WWZ movie. This is the initial outbreak right? Maybe part 2 will be about humans fighting back. Then part 3 will be the investigation part and actually display most of the book's stories.

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This sold me, will start watching it next week.

Fat home defense on low alert.

So much win today!

We win... congrats on getting your bug back.

Lady, nobody read your message. The men saw boobies, and the women was jealous at perky breasts.

Bikes in the left lane = ass. Volvo trying to pass on shoulder = asshat. Bikers not checking if the Volvo driver is okay = assholes.

Hello, you can buy me for your weekend car with that kind of money.

Nurburgring, erectile dysfunction cure for men everywhere.

A fellow Libertarian? I approve this message.

I want to play a game the way I want to play it, not the way you think I should play it. I really don't care if you want me to "get with the times". I really don't care if there is this thing called internet.
I only want to sit on my couch, game console connected only to the TV and my new game in the game console.

1970ish Yellow Corolla. I remember hating it because of the color, but now I love it and I want one.

It's a man's world. Grinding those heels into a male's package may be satisfying to her though.

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Supra, Supra from Hell. Or basically any turbo car.

I have to absolutely agree with the adding sugar point. I was baking apple turnovers once and the recipe asked for 1 cup brown sugar. I thought that couldn't be right, so I cut the sugar in half and it was perfect.

Can somebody, anybody shoot this? I am sure it will be instant kill.

How about Cell?

The best way to warm up a cold pizza is not the microwave, it's the pan on a stove top. It will crisp up the crust and warm up the cheese.

May I add the Acura Integra GSR into the "sporty" category?