Now playing

This is my mission the next time I am in Japan.

When I chose to play the Outlander, I thought Chow Yun Fat style. Two guns in a Chinese Tea House MotherF******er! So I put all my points into Akimbo.

I don't think his clothes are Thuggish at all.

Yes, I would give up my cell phone for basically any good car in perfect condition. Farkin' hate AT&T.

Why did the deer cross the road?

The A-10 is my favorite fighter plane. When I was at Korea for 30 days, living in a tent city during an exercise wasn't fun at all. On the first day that I was there, a guy puked and peed in the tent. 10 days later, the AC went out... this was July in Korea. It was sweaty and the tent smelled bad. On the last

How does it work? It works very well.

I can't bring it? WELL, I BROUGHT IT!!!!!!

So very yes. Even more so now that TSA sucks. How badly do they suck? Wait, there's a golf ball and a garden hose around here somewhere.

The best way to eat Nutella? Crepes. When I was in France, I ate a crap ton of that.

Ms. Idaho? It's a potato in her stomach. Did I get it right? Wait, her skull? Okay, She wins.

Flossing, and using the rear mirror at the same time. I was amazed that she kept the car straight.

I bet # 59 felt pretty bad after that dance.

No worries, I am humping away and trying to create as many mixed-race babies as I can! I am part of the solution.

Okay okay... man... so serious.

I think you have mistaken Thailand from Japan.

Not better when a turneder comes around.

Looks amazing. This is exactly why I think Japan is awesome. Will we get this kind of theme restaurants here? Nope.

Wait... that's the same girl? Funny how a rolled SUV can change so much.

They can protest, by kneeling down on every single play and punting away on every forth down. The opposite team must do the same though.