
Throw some water in there and you'll have a community swimming pool.

Of course I meant no disrespect to the car. Just the douche that was driving the car. A douche driving a Merc, instantly makes that Merc douchey. Sorry.

What is that? Flat black on a Merc? Looks good, for a douchey Merc.

"Never smoked in the car"... but I see cigarette burns.

Sigh... really? By making that comparison, I already know you got absolutely no taste in music. God forbid someone threaten that "female rocker" throne that old timers hold so dearly for Joan Jett.

Now playing

I absolutely agree, I believe she has the best voice, no pretense, no googly eyes needed. Just a mic, a guitar and that farking scream! Here's Slave to the Grind. So much balls!!

It didn't just lost a couple of units, it lost me too.

Now playing

Here's Halestorm singing Bad Romance... rock chick with guitar equals awesome.

Oh wow... Happiness in my pants.

Cougar is an older lady depicted on TV as a Super Sexy Sexual Lady Thirsty for Young Men. The real thing? Much...much, much, much worse.

I am perfectly happy with my PS2, PS3, and Wii. All used games and I have never yearn to buy a game on its release date.

I will buy which ever console that allows me to continue buying used games.

Mortail Kombat! Awesome fit outfit.

That's actually a really good idea.

My ears are so full of pretties.

Television series on History in 3...2...1.

Diablo III, sorry... I have found a new lover.

I am going to cast that spell in a Shanty town somewhere in the game, that town will role play a trailer park.

The key word is "hidden"... no one will ever know... wait a minute...

Because he drives the Raptor like a boss.