Isn’t that standard for Pittsburgh though?
Isn’t that standard for Pittsburgh though?
Sounds like Taggart has a place with the Trump Administration
You’re dumb
Even with this disaster, this isn’t Divac’s biggest flop
No, but the D-League needs to become a legitimate minor league. I think both the NBA and NFL need to quit relying on college athletes and get rid of their 1 and 3 year post-high school requirement before you can draft a high school player. Copy the baseball model where an athlete can either go straight to the minor…
Apparently you haven’t taken a class in economics. How’s that poli-sci degree working out for you?
I don’t know either. I know that he was getting into with Lebron a few days ago, but I thought that was no longer an issue
Get a 1994 Ford Thunderbird and then lose your v-card in the backseat on a dirt road to the dirty girl in class. Worked for me!
I left early because I had to work the next day. Presumably, DT had work this morning. Unlike most of the staff at Deadspin. Get a life, Samer!
Not this again. We went through this with Bush, but the constant opposition to every little thing gets exhausting and only pushes moderates (particularly working-moderates) more towards the right. Keep it up and Trump will get another term
Just Google Kristen Bell
Your sample is not reflective of the population but that explains the bias. I am a bit of an outlier, particularly because I was enlisted, but I think that there are many reasons people join and not having any other option is a reason, albeit not as common as you (and others) make it out to be.
This. I get so annoyed by servicemembers saying that they don’t get paid enough. I was doing pretty damn good as a 24 year-old E-6.
You’re wrong, friend. I suggest you remove your bias that causes you to think that people join the military because they don’t have any options. That may have been true 30 years ago but is no longer accurate (nor has it been for the last 15 years or so). I joined because of 9/11 and because service is a family…
Taggart isn’t messing around
Where’s the cut to the bench for the reaction by the substitutes?
This is just マニーはマニー
This is just マニーはマニー
I bet he’s a Cowboys, Heat, Yankees, and Buckeye fan
Grayson Allen is the personification of white privilege