
Couple things, “fam,” you are generalizing the hell out of white people all over this post. I don’t know if you’re aware but it’s possible for non whites to generalize about whites. Racism and bigotry don’t just go one way. Ok now that that’s clear, generalizing against whites is a thing and you really did it. Sorry

Fucking hell, does anyone know if the poor guy has a gofundme for medical expenses? Maybe we need a general victims-in-Charlottesville fund.

I am genuinely interested, since I’ve always kinda dug the weird alt-history of Assassin’s Creed.

Lucid dreams are so fun.

I am a pretty regular Lucid dreamer... I always have been since childhood and I didn’t realize till adult hood that most people have trouble doing this. I think its because of this that I LOVE sleeping... I find it quite entertaining. Flying dreams are the best— I’ve flown all around the world at this point, and I’ve