
Haha, that's extremely true. Great point.

It's worth it. Not great, but a solid time waster. Nice avatar. I'm shocked that this year I've enjoyed two New found Glory songs (a lot) AND a Sandler movie!

Me too. The first act is pretty great. This could've been a wholly solid comedy if it cut out a half hour from the back half.

I actually laughed out out a whole hell of a lot during the first act of this movie. The last hour and ten minutes really could've benefited from some tight editing. A shame, because until I realized I wasn't even halfway through the film (while also realizing it was losing a lot of steam as it progresses), I honestly

Although, to be fair to Jesse, he also seems to bring this up in the review while still referring to Sandler as a white savior. So…I don't understand.

I watched this last night, and the "white savior" thing makes little to no sense. Yes, Sandler's character helps Hudson out with her career, but her talent very quickly eclipses his expertise as a manager and it becomes clear he's holding her back.

Is miis real frends?

I don't really watch him either, it's just frustrating to see everyone here bash this guy who hasn't done anything remotely wrong because of some inaccurate headlines. The AV club is a refreshingly liberal and usually intelligent place, but the vast majority of commenters hate hate hate YouTubers. I can't believe that

Exactly. Even though that kind of shit probably happens more than we'd like to admit, it never excuses victim blaming or misogyny (in these public cases) because I'm sure most cases of domestic abuse are cut and dry and not really open to the interpretation of internet commenters. Either way, it's scary and sad stuff.

My favorite record this year so far. I'm still in list mode from December so…
1. Menzingers
2. Cloud Nothings
3. AFI
4. Japandroids
5. Surfer Blood

I think it's their second best record after OTIP. Which is to say it's phenomenal, because Chamberlain Waits and Rented World were both pretty great.

I knew there was a reason I was curious about that Z Nation show! But I've been burned before by watching TV shows just because of a certain director (like Neil Marshall doing the Constantine pilot). Are Hyams' episodes of Z Nation worth checking out?

That would be fucking awesome. I nominate John Hyams, also from the school of badass underrated directors who work with Atkins.

I find it funny that after all the sequels to relatively popular films he's made, Reine's first project to make it to theaters will be some TV episodes.

Die Another Day was the last movie my Dad and I saw together in theaters before he passed away. So I've got an extreme soft spot for it even though I know it's stupid as shit.

Ridiculous assumption. This film is far too multicultural to be loved by most dimwit Trump supporters. I want to see it because I love fun, Donnie Yen, Tony Jaa, and continue to wish Diesel success even though most of his work is garbage.

21st Century Breakdown and Revolution Radio are actually both pretty fantastic, even though they feel completely different than pre-2003 Green Day. And the trilogy has at least 12 amazing tunes among the mess of the rest.

Absolutely, it just tends to not be called pop punk when it gets good reviews.