
Bingo. For example: HOW IN THE FUCK IS PUBLIX NOT #1 IN FLORIDA? I’ve been and/or lived from Jacksonville to Miami, and I’ve never seen a single fucking Safeway ANYWHERE. Meanwhile, I’ve seen one Publix across the street FROM ANOTHER Publix in Orlando. I’ve seen Save-A-Lots and ALDIs in FL, but NOT A SINGLE SAFEWAY

Exactly. I just want to grab Tom by the shoulders and shake him like an unwanted baby, yelling “DUDE YOU HAD IT ALL! MONEY, A HOT WIFE, A FAMILY, AND LEGENDARY CAREER! WHY ARE YOU THROWING ALL AWAY FOR SOMETHING YOU HAD NOTHING LEFT TO PROVE?”

We get it, Rich. Eugene turned you down and you’re still raw about it.

Someone got Epsteined to keep them quiet, permanently.

Fuck him, fuck that cult, and double fuck both for using their money & power to escape consequences.

Due to backlash from the Dahmer series on Netflix, Subway will no longer have “human meat” on the menu and discontinue their “EAT FLESH!” campaign.

Because there are only a limited amount of remastering minerals on this planet, and if HZD gets one, then here will be none left for Bloodbourne. /s

Considering that Google dropped more time, money, and effort on some very goofy ads instead of everything that was wrong with it since launch, this should not be a surprise.

If someone went through all the time, effort and expense to revolve a movie around me and then get an attractive actor like Chris Pine to portray me, I’d be very thankful to them, not blubbering like this dufus.

Knew this was coming after she showed her ass with that “I SURVIVED” tweet in the wake of 20-30 G4 employees getting laid off.

Of course it does! It gets my boyfriend to cum....oh, you mean that OTHER cucumber trick!

I get the feeling that the “big twist” for Don’t Worry Darling is THEY WERE LIVING IN 2022 THE WHOLE TIME!”

Ever since COVID hit, every BK around me has either shuttered or is so short staffed that it takes 20 minutes for someone to show up at the register to take my order and another 20 for a simple Whopper order to get made.


My guilty tuna pleasure: a can of tuna, along with a can of drained peas mixed into Kraft mac & cheese (aka the blue box). I can eat the whole thing in one sitting.

Should have called it “Yakuza -1"

Wake me up when they make a passable Beyond version of Honey Walnut Shrimp.

Nothing for Splinter Cell? BOOOOOOOO!

You misspelled “cavatappi”

Why did they pick 300 to 850 as the credit range, and not something like 0 to 1000? That’s just so strange and arbitrary.