
TL;DR. G8 B8 M8


Surprised that Hylian, Kryptonian, and Krakoan are not listed here

Nick Offerman as Bill? My wildest gay bear dreams have come true.

Agreed. All-kale salads are just TOO MUCH. Mixing it with butter, Bibb, or even iceberg lettuce helps tone down the KALENESS of it all.

This made me remember all those milk commercials in the 80s where some scrawny boy or mousy girl would drink milk while talking about how all the people that turned them down would be sorry while the cow-derived magical transformation potion they were drinking would turn them into hot fully grown models.

I don’t put ketchup on my scrambled eggs, but I do put it on my meatloaf and papas con huevos.

When the Girl Scouts aren’t out there selling cookies, I buy those Keebler knock offs. But when the Girls are out selling their wares, I gladly buy their cookies to support a group that not only teaches young ladies essential life skills and good work ethic, but supports gay and trans girls as members

I miss when Publix had sliced sport peppers available as an add-in for their deli subs.

It’s about time that Food Network focused on making shows aimed at people with dietary restrictions - be it from allergies (to dairy or gluten), mdical reasons (diabetes or epilepsy), lifestyles (keto or veganism), or religions (Kosher or Halal). There was a show for low carb and another for lo-cal years ago, but both

If this ever gets made into a movie, they need to have Ariana’s dialogue all be in some sort of dolphin-speak or pay Mariah Carey royalties to dub in her dog whistle every time “Ariana” opens her mouth.

The main reason i’m holding off on joining is because their menu of games from the PS3 and under is lacking even after 2 months. I have a ton of PS1 and PS3 games on my PSN account that i’m dying to have access to again (with Trophies!), and all i’ve been able to play so far is Syphon Filter which I Platinumed in

Ditto. I love Whoppers but some times they are TOO MUCH. So I just order a Whopper Jr. (with no cheese and extra pickles, please)

LOL. Those are wet, failed hot dogs

I read some excepts posted online, and HOLLEE FUCK that poor girl lived through Mommy Dearest 2.0. Her mom made her shower together until Jeanette was SEVENTEEN, for Christ’s sake. Like the book title said, her mom dying was a blessing because it was the only way to be rid of that monster.

It’s a ripe playground for predators. Too many struggling young actors that are so desperate for their big break or have pushy stage parents out there that feel like they can’t say no to the casting couch. Corey Feldman said he and Corey Haim were constantly exploited as kids by Hollywood bigwigs that plied them with

Dan has been notorious for the past decade or so for being a bit too inappropriate with the underage girls that star in his shows, and pushes a lot of scenes where they show their bare feet. Just ick all around.

And the pepperoncini peppers.

I remember when Burger King did basket dinners for a “blink and you’ll miss it” period in late 1992 after 4pm. You could order a dinner in a basket with fried shrimp, fried chicken, or a steak sandwich with baked potato and cole slaw on the side, then eat popcorn as you wait for to come to your table (and wait you

I’m guessing Marvel will alter his powers somewhat because as it stands, Eros/Starfox is a walking roofie. In addition to the built in benefits of being an Eternal, he can psionically stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain, causing feelings of euphoria and even love. It is strongest when he is focusing on a