
My late abuela’s favorite breakfast was scrambled eggs, shrimp, and some of the nopales that came in a jar, drained.

He was trying to gain The Hand in the relationship.

That....that just looks like an Italian sub between ciabatta bread.

Also, calling it a SANDO when it’s not from a Japanese 7-11 feels like cultural appropriation.

I remember stumbling onto The Onion back when I started college way back in 1996.

Yes, I fart dust.

Sony and/or Naughty Dog seem to want to further lessen the resemblance that Ellie had to Elliot Page’s pre-transition appearance. The PS4 remaster had altered Ellie to look less like pre-2021 Elliot, and this looks like another step in that direction.

I was so glad that TLOU II had no multiplayer. It was those damn multiplayer trophies in part I that kept me from getting the Platinum. Keep it a separate entity for those who enjoy MP games.

I’m praying the Part I remaster for PS5 has no MP based trophies. If so, it’s a Day One buy for me.

The real trial by fire is if she can hump the floor in a wedding dress in front of a live MTV audience while singing Like A Virgin. If Julia can nail that, then she’s good to go.

Ms. Minogue is the first and best Kylie.

Came here to say this. Condoms are cheap, he can afford to get “the snip”, and vaginal penetration is not the only way to achieve orgasm. It’s obvious that Nick has a impregnation fetish.

I break it up into TWO “mini” Big Macs. One has two buns and the other is on just one bun.

I normally love extra pickles and no cheese on my hamburgers, but I don’t omit the cheese or add extra pickles to my Big Mac. It throws of taste balance off.

I’d like to see a follow up article where you compare the bottled and packet versions against actual homemade ranch dressing.

Kim K. is not my favorite person in the world, but after dealing with Kanye’s batshittery for the last few years, gurl deserves to get her cootchie popped real good. Go get it, Kimmy!

So basically a Pina Colada with OJ. I can get behind that

The TV show looks terrible, like a horrid mash up of the CW’s DC shows with their teen soap operas:

Gothamsip Girl

I’m not adverse to Cincinnati chili, except sometimes it leans too heavy on cinnamon and i am NOT a fan of the stuff. Cinnamon - likes cloves - can overwhelm the whole dish if you’re not careful.

Kotaku is demonstrating that they learned NOTHING from their “Dr. Strange is copying an indie game” fiasco and once again suggesting racism where is there is none for those juicy, juicy clicks. Let’s just ignore that the first Street Fighter cast has mostly Asian characters and that the second game paved the way for

Hopefully the movie will make enough profit to afford eyebrows for Matt Smith.

The last FF games I cared about were X and X-2. If I wanted to play an MMO or a Souls game, Squenix, then i’d just play one of those instead.

When i was a kid, I had a dog who was half poodle and half Jack Russell terrier. She was also a lesbian. When male dogs approached her to do the obligatory “butt sniff”, she spurned their advances. The only dog she allowed to sniff her and mount her a female collie that looked like Lassie. She did have a litter of two

The only time i’ve seen this move in person is when I worked at Publix as a bag boy. Since policy states that we are NOT supposed to accept tips, many of the customers would slyly use this move to toss me a fiver or even a ten for helping them to load their groceries into their car. If underpaid workers are getting