
As someone raised by my Native American/ Mexican-American grandparents, I grew up on Tex-Mex food and was taught how to make it.

So anyone who tells me that it’s “not Mexican” can eat my ho butt.


So....does this mean I can Game Genie some games? Because I already sweated all the crap on FFX on the PS2 version and I DO NOT want to have to grind that crap again

Am I the only one who thought that Cabbage Patch Kids looked like Phil Collins? Was this the key to their popularity in the 80s that matched his own? Or vice versa?

And Phantasy Star IV cost $100 when it came out in 1995 (but it was worth the cost)

LOLOLOL. That’s because Square Enix KNOWS they can charge that much and people will buy it.

If they ever make a Chrono Trigger remake on that scale, they could charge $200 and people would buy it with no hesitation.

And then chefs wonder why nobody takes “molecular gastronomy” seriously.

NOBODY wants to eat foam that tastes like eel farts. If I want to eat an Eggs Benedict, the classic is just fine. I don’t need to have powdered egg, on English Muffin foam with frozen chunks of Hollandaise.


you’ll end up with sauce all over your hands and face,”

That recipe for sherbet punch sends me back to my childhood in the 80s, when my grandparents would have a giant punch bowl full of the stuff at any family gathering. Excuse me while I out and buy the stuff to make my own, but with some “adult” upgrades like vodka.....

Crap like this launch are one of the reasons I take a wait and see approach to new game releases now.

That, and because my backlog will last until the heat death of the universe, so I can afford to be patient and wait until a game goes on sale and/or gets all the bugs ironed out.

Rockstar was more concerned with getting the game out ahead of other pre-Christmas releases that they took a page from Bethesda’s book and opted to “release it buggy as hell and just patch it later!”

For all its flaws, I enjoyed and miss Home. I had fun with the Xi scavenger hunt that the site began with. I liked having the Batcave as my “home” that I earned for having played Arkham Asylum. Earning free gear like that for my avatar was pretty nice, and I loved being able to customize my living space. The seaside

So his next film will be his 69th?


Jojo must finally be relieved to not have her scalp feeling like an eagle is trying to tear it off.

“pissy shitties” is the new “titty sprinkles”

WTF is going on with Christina’s chest? Is her dress making her left boob look smaller than the right one, or did she go to one of those back alley docs that use spatulas and cooking oil in lieu of surgical tools and silicone?

I’ve never had a problem with it on either the original one I had, nor on my current PS4 Pro. I’m able to cycle through my games, file all my Assassin’s Creed games in their own folder for easy access, do updates, and play all my streaming stuff like HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix, Disney +, and Amazon Prime without any lag

I loved my PS3, but I was not a fan of its UI. I like PS4's so much better.

My two favorites additions to roasted Brussels Sprouts: diced onion and bacon, or balsamic vinegar and dried cranberries.