
Retroactively credit him on prior COD games AND give him a percentage from the games that used his layout.

I know, I know....we’re talking about Activision here....

“Ugly-Ass Rain” was the title for the aborted Heavy Rain sequel.

As a rape victim myself, I hope LH’s family sues McDonald’s and everyone complicit in letting her violation happen back to the Stone Age. This could have been so easily avoidable by taking his background check seriously by NOT HIRING HIM, or at the very least, NOT LETTING HIM WORK IN THE SAME TIME/PLACE WITH MINORS.

I honestly tried once, and IT SUCKS. You get sand in places sand should never go, and having the waves crash on you is annoying, not sexy. 

And then people wonder why Jaden and Willow are such try-hards.

Will and Jada just need to agree to give each other Free Passes to go out and bang other people. It’s almost like they’re asking THE PUBLIC permission to do so. Just STFU, and let your freak flags fly amongst yourselves, Mr. & Mrs. Smith

One recently popped up in Orlando, and my friends have hyped it up so much that I’m dying to try it.

Agreed. McD’s app is easy to use and I’ve gotten a lot of great deals from it.

Putting the M C back in McDonald’s

Girl’s got taste. The Cheeseburger with extra pickles is my go-to as well.

I use AdBlock and only watch via my laptop, because YT on phones is just bonkers. I’d get 45 minute infomercials in the middle of a 3 minute video. WTF?


I love casseroles, but i’m getting heart palpations just thinking about this recipe.

Fuck all the anti-canned jelly crowd. I adore that shit.


One tiny bite caused so much damage. They had to cut out huge chunks of the the poor dude’s arm.

I was wondering what happened to Shailene Woodley. She tried SO HARD to copy Jennifer Lawrence’s “I’M SO RELATABLE!” schtick and failed miserably at it. Nobody is going to take you seriously when you keep pitching new-age woo like eating clay in lieu of taking a vaccine, Shay-Shay.

But which of these chicky nuggs are the dankest?

He just wants everyone to know that it was Jesus His Homeboy that set them up!

I think so too. Dude should have taken a moment before hitting Send and thought, How will this look to those outside my family? How will this make my ex-wife and our child feel? 

That post has such a creepy vibe. I can’t wait until his next post, where he talks about holding back tears while looking into his wife’s eyes as they have Jesus-approved, heterosexual, missionary sex that always ends with her never getting close to an orgasm.

Midwesterners usually call it “hot dish”. Imagine a Green Bean Casserole, but with tater tots and ground beef replacing the green beans and fried onions.

Peppermint Mocha lattes and Cranberry Orange muffins? SWEET!

I’d rather the mini pancakes have bacon bits in them. Why have “maple bits” in it when you’re dunking it in the syrup anyway? The salty bacon makes a better flavor contrast and adds texture.

Good, We need to keep pushing back when companies pull this crap. Don’t promise to keep ‘pay to win” garbage out only to walk it back later.

Ubisoft obviously knew there was going to be major backlash, but the opportunity to cash-in on the new audience they got from Game Pass was too great.