
Ditto. My best friend dragged me to see it in theaters, and it was sooo good. The whole theater lost their shit during the home invasion. I’d love to see an extended cut.

Peeps are the 11th plague.

Been a huge fan of Niecy since RENO, and I wish all the best for her and her wife! 



But now how will I know the resolutions to all the unanswered questions from the first and second game? I NEED TO KNOW!

Last year I found limited edition Pineapple Pepsi in my local Walmart. I was surprised that it tasted more like pineapple juice with a splash of Pepsi, instead of the Pepsi with a splash of pineapple taste I expected.

I went to the one in Jacksonville about 2 years ago. My best friend;s wife us from the Philippines, and I went along as we drove 2 hours from Orlando to the nearest location in JAX.

It was worth the drive. I recommend the adobo rice, peach mango pies, and the chickenjoy with gravy.

The real question is, is there a “Super Slutty Olive Oil”, and where can I buy it?

I’d kill for a version of this with Prince, The Police or ABBA

That’s what hooked me on the series: you fist fight the Pope in the basement of the Vatican and then chat with holograms of a long dead civilization and a guy from the “future”

And the incest.Don’t forget the incest

So...essentially the Switch Pro everyone has been asking for but Nintendo kept on denying would happen because people (like me) would rather wait for a more powerful Switch than buy a current one, thus cutting into Switch sales.

Crunchy Peter Pan and strawberry jam on pumpernickel bread.

LOL. Between Netflix, Hulu, HBOMax, Amazon Prime, and Disney +, does anybody really need to buy/rent from the PSN store?

I have no shame in admitting that I buy the ravioli when it’s on sale and just eat the damn thing at room temperature out of the can.

Peeps are made by taking old styrofoam packing peanuts, then coating them in sugar and food dye.

My late abuela would make this on cold school mornings, and cut up fresh fruit to put in it like apples and bananas. I miss those times and i miss her so, so much.

Fuck those judgemental pricks. At least she can use that huge OF monthly payout and spend it on another private school that will gladly accept her “filthy” money.

“I have them right where I want them”, said the fish as the shark begins to chew on him. “All is going according to plan”

Hello Fresh is just testing out a cross promotion with R. Kelly