
Dude is totally my type.

To Mr. Gallagher: if you’re into bearish guys, HMU.

I would kill for remasters of Infamous 1, 2, and the Festival of Blood DLC on PS4/5.

Nope. It’s a top down remake that is more in line with the R & C movie that dropped in 2016 than the original game.

Great game I snagged it for $10 during a Black Friday sale a few years ago.

I guess someone found one of Patricia Hernandez’s unused articles.

The absence of Cuban bread is galling.

No Cuban bread? You all make me sick.

I last had Bojangles’ red beans and rice in 1990, just before my local one got shut down and turned into a McDonalds.

I still long for that nectar of the gods.

THIS THIS THIS. Many people have this idea that “X event made Y stocks go up, so if X happens again, Y stocks will go up again!” but not realizing that the stock market is never that truly predictable and made even more complicated by the human factor. Outside of the insiders in that reddit, most stock brokers would

Apparently they learned nothing from the failure of Coke Blak, which was released in 2006 and discontinued in 2008

But wouldn’t tart cherries be a counter balance to the sweetness from the 1 cup of sugar and the HFCS of the ‘Dew?

Or because Grimes forgets to take Elon Musk’s iPhone away from him while he’s blitzed on Vulcan Cotton Candy and the stock price of a company jumps up from pennies to hundreds of dollars in just minutes after he tweets about it.

This is because the stock market is trying to find orderly patterns from randomness and does not take human behaviour into consideration. Normally, a company with GameStop’s trajectory would continue to have falling stock prices, but the human x factor of stock shorting ended up juicing the stock threefold. On top of

Fair enough.

I have to give him props for putting off such a clever hustle. Couldn’t he have hidden the money in offshore accounts, or has that loophole been closed?

except for the morons who swallowed that Qanon garbage and are now realizing that their Personal Jesus had no Master Plan aside from bailing out his friends so they’ll use their money and power to save his ass from poverty and jail after he leaves.

Vanilla Zero is teh shizz

Biden should have changed it to a TACOS button

One of my fondest memories was going to Toys R Us with the money I saved from mowing lawns to buy Mega Man III. I ran to the aisle, looked up and down for the little yellow paper that said Mega Man III on it, grabbed it, and raced even faster to the window where there would be a TRU employee to take my slip and fetch

Anything other than Diet Coke and hamberders