I cannot, in good conscience now, leave my children for four months to shoot a film in the Dominican Republic,” he said in a statement.
Fuck him for using his kids as a shield instead of just admitting that he got shitcanned.
I cannot, in good conscience now, leave my children for four months to shoot a film in the Dominican Republic,” he said in a statement.
Fuck him for using his kids as a shield instead of just admitting that he got shitcanned.
The pilots can always just parachute out of Donny’s next Air Force One trip mid-flight as it flies headlong towards a volcano.
I got my fingers crossed that Donny goes full Budd Dwyer. Hopefully he’s considerate enough to broadcast it for posterity.
Republicans don’t want to “save” Trump for the sake of “healing”. They’re doing it to save face for the GOP, and because if Diaper Donny goes down, he will sell them out for a leniency deal and/or just to drag them down with him.
Nazis and seditionists don’t deserve endless breadsticks.
On a slightly related note, I just want to thank you for using the word “Latine” instead of “Latinx”, which was NOT a word until white saviours tried to colonize Spanish.
Last I checked, he’s using Tiffany’s account as a proxy to ban evade.
I expected nothing less. The man just cannot live if he can’t spew his mental diarrhea to the public.
This woman reminds me of some girls in high school that would follow around the most popular girl and do everything in their power to look, dress, and act like her in hopes of soaking up some of the limelight from the popular girl.
Most teenage girls grow up from this once they finish high school. This poor woman did…
Sometimes I put ketchup on my papas con huevos, sometimes I put salsa, and sometimes I put neither.
Good. Karens only learn when they stop getting away scot free with their racist shit. Anyone that attacks a child over a damn phone needs to get tossed in jail anyway.
Thank Cthulhu there’s a writer on this site that isn’t sucking on Hades’ taint. (Some almost literally, with how thirsty they’ve been about the characters)
While this is a nicely made game and not i’m saying people aren’t allowed to like it, I just can’t stand roguelikes.
Sorry, never sorry.
According to her, when she first met Alec, she claimed that she was not aware of who he was because she did not watch American TV. I mean, it’s not lie hes been in movies for over 30 years in several well known films like Beetlejuice and The Hunt for Red October, or TV shows like SNL and 30 Rock. Nor to mention that…
As a white passing Mexican-American raised by my very Mexican grandparents, I am quite aware that not all Hispanic/Latin people look or sound obviously Hispanic/Latin. My grandfather was very very dark skinned, but my grandmother could pass for white until she opened her mouth, and then her heavy Mexican accent would…
If she’s pulling a Rachel Dolezal, then yes, she needs to explain why she thinks that shit is ok.
As a white passing Mexican-American growing up in Miami AND a gay man, I am VERY familiar with code switching.
Karen does not look or sound anything other than white, IMO.
She don’t look or sound anything but white to me.
Figures. A Karen falsely accuses and even assaults a child, and when proven wrong, just walks away instead of apologizing profusely like she should have. I hope that white cow gets found out and dragged all over social media.
Yeah, that “one hour” things smells like BS. Pretty much all the e-sports pro spend HOURS a day practicing to keep sharp and coordinate tactics with their team. I think that parroting certain talking points is part of getting that sweet, sweet cash.
Makes sense. Since Coke started the whole vanilla cola thing, it is only fair for Pepsi to get the ball rolling on chocolate cola.
My brownie mix hack: I grate half a disc of unsweetened Mexican chocolate (“Abuelita” which has an old lady on the container) and throw it in.
My other hack: infusing the oil with weed and adding that in.