
Why in the living fuck is Stargirl not on the list?

As a gay man who lived through the 80s, some people are only too happy to deny horrible, deadly diseases as long as it’s not happening to them. Reagan didn’t even utter the words “HIV” or “AIDS” until the tail end of his administration.

The largest US population getting hit by Covid is the African American community.

So “authentic” is a thing now? Because “shiny” wasn’t annoying and pointless enough, I guess.

Dolly is a goddess that is too good and pure for this shit planet.

I dream of Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter Apple marrying Fiona Apple when she’s older so she can be Apple Apple. Then the ghost of Steve Jobs shows up at their wedding and sues for copyright infringement.

I also dream of Alison Brie marrying Brie Larson so she can become Brie Brie, then celebrate by wrapping herself in

TBH, I did not have hopes for this when I first heard about it. I’m glad that I gave it a chance because it was much more than Soul Calibur with mutants. I loved how Saturnyne came up with some batshit rules (Summoner won despite getting killed because it was a literal fight to the death?!) and even more batshit

I loved this on the PS2, and I bought the PS4 release on PSN so I could get the Platinum.

I would love a Bully prequel set at the school in the 80s, or a true sequel with either Jimmy in college, working as a staff member, or with his kid in the school.

I would have murdered my family for a Gargoyles set.

In mid 2017, Walmart had a major markdown on the 3.0 Starter Set and a few StarWars figures. I got them for my nephew, since he’s a big SW fan, and it cost me only less than $25

I am still pissed that we got THISCLOSE to getting Darkwing Duck Infinity figures.


*humps the air wildly*

I came here to mention that too. I loved using that swing to catapult Niko in a car clear across the map.

Capcom: “Look, everyone! We’re releasing more Mega Man stuff! We didn’t forget about our flagship character!”

Mega Man fans: “Is it remasters of Legends 1 + 2 and Tronne Bonne? X9? Legends 3?”

Capcom: Even better! It’s a $200 mini arcade that contains 5 previously released Mega Man games, and most of them were garbage!”


The Wii U. The only reason I got it was for the ports of Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy. Other than that, it gathered dust.

Batman and Return of the Joker for the NES were fire, and Batman Returns for the SNES was a great beat-em up.

Where are the Gameboy Spider-Man games? There were three of them. Also - no Spider-Man & X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge for the Genesis and SNES?

Spend $15 on a pizza that can stretch into two meals and easily be reheated, or $15 on a dinky salad that I have to eat NOW or it’ll become a wilted, soggy mess.

Gosh, I just can’t understand why the former is trouncing the latter.

If there is a god Netflix will pick it up, and then we can get several seasons in two years like with Voltron and She-Ra instead of having to wait three years for 8 episodes.

Darren is Not A Gay, he just Plays One On TV.

- signed an actual homosexual.

All these meat bags and their baseless accusations really overheats my circuits!