Not gonna lie - seeing the system propped sideways on the stand like that looks much better than I expected.
Not gonna lie - seeing the system propped sideways on the stand like that looks much better than I expected.
Goat cheese spread on warmed corn tortillas.
streamlined loot system.
YES YES YES. So glad they got rid of that tedious system. I was so sick and tired of getting 50 variants of the same f*cking weapon. It was the same thing that killed my enjoyment of Darksiders II.
Now use that power for good and release the prototype of Mega Man Legends 3.
Oh, he’ll show. Baby Donny can’t stand letting someone else have the spotlight HE DESERVES, DAMMIT!
He’ll show up and do everything in his power to draw attention on him away from Biden. Expect some grade A clownery.
I reeeeeeallly want a remaster of this classic on the PS4/PS5.
Extra pickles and onions, but easy on the sauce is the best way to go.
I plan to sue them for false claims as well. There are absolutely NO DRIED CANADIANS in the drink! I expected dehydrated bits of Celine Dion and Michael J. Fox in my soda, dammit!
Both Lupita Nyong’o and Louis CK are part Mexican, though neither looks anything like remotely like the average Mexican.
I say this as someone with a white passing Mexican grandmother (until she spoke and then it was very obvious) and a very dark skinned Mexican grandfather.
As a white passing Mexican/Native American raised by my Mexican/Navajo grandmother and Mexican/Blackfoot grandfather, people like this piss me off. I already get enough people quizzing me on my background without dickheads like that adding fuel to that fire.
Good to see Peanut Butter M&Ms on here but no Baby Ruth, Take 5, or Almond Joy?
This was also the final boss in the NES game “Amagon”.
Some lawyers saw the word “Netflix” and then heard the sound of cash registers opening, and everything else got drowned out.
Phasing out the Wishlist? DA FUQ? That’s how I keep track of games I want to buy and when they are on sale! I just scored Dark Cloud 1 + 2 at $5.99 each down from $14.99 each because I had them on my WL and I saw the Halloween Sale price.
Seconded. IoG is one of the few games I come back to and play at least once a year (along with SoulBlazer, A Link to the Past, and the SNES version of Shadowrun).
I LOVED Darksiders and its “Zelda meets God of War” design. Too bad the second one decided to fuck with the formula with the MMO-style random loot drops and multiple variations of the same weapon.
Oceanhorn is another Zelda clone that I found on sale on PSN and loved, though it feels a bit short. I tried the sequel…
Bingo, Also: to then have her hunt down Becca—why?
Because HL still had an attachment to her, and the kid did too. With her gone, SF can be the new Mommy for both of them and secure two Ubermen under her thumb.
No, they’ll pull a “Weekend At Bernie’s” and have Melania & Pence puppet his corpse around.
Me and my best friend Joe were big anime freaks in the late 90s and early 2000s, and scored high-quality DVD rips from a comic book store near FSU. That’s how we got the pure, uncut shit not fucked up by 4KIDS/FOX KIDS.
Card Captor Sakura is leaps and bounds better than the travesty that was Cardcaptors.
So...they’re like the Jelly Belly of cotton candy?