
This all smells of the “Ted Nugent adopted an underage girl so he could fuck her” bizarreness.

This is genius. I can never seem to use up the ginger I buy before it goes bad.

That sounds divine. I had no idea it could be done with canned ones and not just fresh ones - I imagined the canned ones were too “wet” to dehydrate.

I need this. Love dried fruit, but a lot of the ones at stores have added sugar or flavors. All I want is to taste the fruit, OK?

Huh. I remember being at my local Publix and seeing a coffee/lemonade combo in the cold brewed coffee section in the dairy aisle, and thinking “WTF IS THAT SHIT?” Now I know that it is actually a thing that’s been around a while, and not some an idea an exec came up with after his usual noon cocaine binge.

Rumor has it that part of the reason for Topher Grace left the show was he was tired of Masterson trying to push his cult on the cast, and luring Prepon into it as the last straw for him.

Alan had twins named Todd and Jenni-Lynn aka Obsidian and Jade, so my guess they’ll eventually be introduced into the show to carry on his legacy as well.

The drug was tied to Rex and Rick’s DNA. Miraculo only worked for Rex since it was developed for his body chemistry. Rick wasn’t sure if it would work for him, but only took it due to an emergency to save his dad, and ended up working for him since their DNA was similar. He later got addicted to it, but Beth (who was

It’s funny because Wildcat, and Mid-nite were much more connected to their predecessors in the comics, with Beth being the protegee of the first Dr. Mid-Nite, and Yolanda was the goddaughter of Ted Grant who taught her fight. Both ladies died together a few years later on a government sanctioned mission to oust

No Choco Tacos? FAIL!

Let’s look at the numbers.

The PS1 slaughtered the Saturn the moment they announced the $299 price over Saturn’s $399.

The PS2 was a juggernaut that sold for $299 at launch and dominated that console generation.

The $499/$599 PS3 was barely treading water vs the 360 and the Wii....until it introduced the $299 slim model

Dear Sony:

Remember how the PS1 beat the Saturn right out the gate with the $299 announcement?

Remember how the PS2 dominated the market from the jump with a $299 price tag?

Remember how the PS3 floundered against the 360 until it dropped the price from the $500 and $600 SKUs to $299 for the slim model?

Just keep that in

THIS JUST IN: A video game about flesh-hungry zombies and radicalized armed militias contains lots of murder.

More at 11.

My hot take - when Joel lied to Ellie at the end of TLOU 1, the look on her face pretty much said, “I know you’re lying, but you pretty much took on a whole militia single handedly to keep me from being vivisected, so I think I’ll just call it draw”

Green papaya salad is heavenly. I’m so lucky that I live near a great Thai place. It’s not on the menu, but if you ask for it and are willing to wait a bit, they’ll make it. Their sticky mango rice is also to die for.

In the comics, he was around during the JSA’s 40's heyday, but spend a long time in a time warp and skipped ahead at few decades.

Comics, everybody!

Exactly what I came to say. They can explain Ralph’s new look by him using his elasticity to hide from the people that framed Sue for murder.

I feel you. My college matched me with a roommate who ended up setting fire to the whole third floor of our dorm and killing an exchange student via smoke inhalation.

You ladies better sit down because I have TWO doozies:

The first roommate from Hell was a douchebag wannabe frat-boy during my freshman year at college who only got in because his older brother was a big man in their frat. He’d stumble in drunk in the middle of the night repeatedly, and at least twice he passed out on

The last name of the woman who dragged Courtney from the lunchroom was Bowin - the same as the JSA villain The Fiddler. Which means either her or her kid will take up the role.