There was a gay Starman, but it was a blue alien, not Sylvester.
There was a gay Starman, but it was a blue alien, not Sylvester.
Canadian women can’t get a break in America unless their name is Celine, I guess?
This reminds me of the first levelof EVO: Search for Eden.
Still got my fingers crossed for a remaster of SR II.
“Also why would the word for AI also be the word for Love? This is the most baffling stupid part of all this.”
Is it just me, or did Gemma’s god mode resemble the robotized woman at the end of Superman III? Was that a coincidence or a call-back?
If the employees aren’t getting a promised bonus for months because the game got held back, then forcing ND to release it would actually NOT alienate co-workers. No game release = no bonus. Game dropping now = not waiting until next year to finally see financial reward for busting their ass.
Still waiting on a Big Dick German Chocolate cakes
Elon must have gotten his hands on whatever drugs Azealia Banks has been on. Now i’m just waiting for him to unleash a racist Twitter rant against a member of One Direction and the star of a Disney tween sitcom.
I’m not buying it. The most prevalent theory behind the leak is that Naughty Dog’s workers weren’t getting their much needed bonuses until 6 months AFTER the game hit the shelves, meaning that a “indefinite delay” = “my bills are not getting paid and my family is going to starve”.
Funny how ND was content to delay this…
The main protagonists tend to be people at their physical peak that can survive falls from extreme heights onto hay piles, so having a longer than average life span seems within reason. I think these character descended from the hybrids that the First Civilization created that escaped from Eden with the Apple as shown…
I only chose Alexios over Kass because I wanted to have him romance another dude.
I always picked Evie over Jacob in AC: Syndicate because A) her stealth powers were much better than her brother’s combat skills and B) I loved her romance with Henry Green.
Ditto. It took numerous tries before I beat her and got the Trophy. Girl did not play around.
That part is science fiction, but the games do try to be historically accurate when the gameplay pivots to the past. It’s like stabbing your way through history class!
On what fucking planet is pizza “vilified”? You can’t walk a few feet in most cities without seeing a pizza joint, and there’s practically a whole section of the freezers in grocery stores devoted to them.
Wrong. They reproduced by budding asexually.
If it’s anything like the town building in AC II, i’m so in. Definitely hoping it’s not like the tower defense-esque shit from Revelations.
Being raised by my abuela, those delicacies you describes were my Sunday morning breakfasts. I miss her papas con huevos with her homemade flour tortillas so much.
Final Fantasy VI.
I can suplex a ghost train. Your argument is invalid.
Final Fantasy VI.
I can suplex a ghost train. Your argument is invalid.
Potatoes are white, bland, and lumpy, so of course they love gender reveal parties too!