Ray Muñez

The first and second Omen films were never about the "baby Hitler" question. The protagonists were not presented with the "moral dilemma" of whether they would kill a child they know to be the anti-christ. Rather, the protagonists (Gregory Peck in the 1st movie and William Holden in the 2d) are secular men and have

I don't think we have fucked. If we had, I would have a few STIs to remind me.

He absolutely implied that. He is not just talking about his circle of friends for no particular reason. He is citing them as evidence of a larger phenomenon. And he goes on to make generalizations about what all gay people think and experience:

Rubbish. There was no deep thought consciousness raising circle where gay men worked through the "assumptions baked into heterosexual dynamics." There are more open relationships among gay men only, not among lesbians. And the practice became common among gay men because of the societal policy of malign neglect, in

Uh, huh. So here's a guy who is unable or unwilling to commit to monogamy and - surprise, surprise - he projects his values onto gay people as a group. His only evidence is that " most gay guys I know who are married, most of them have open relationships." He doesn't say how many married gay guys he knows or how he