
No I’m with you - there should be an ‘are’ between electrons and ‘single points’ - and ‘the dot’ is a concept not actually explained by the article - I (hesitantly) assume the ‘dot’ is the focus point of the camera/lens effect they use to measure the electron...?

He’s not talking about Ren.

I run around 750gb a month and I don’t have 4k streaming. If all you every do is stream - sure. If you only have one tv that streams - sure. Give kids streaming as an option and have multiple people in your house that use the internet - add in OS patches and game downloads and it’s very easy to hit high numbers -

If your connection is through a cable company it most likely has a cap. Comcast has a cap (that you pay $50 a month to remove) - most people will never hit the cap - but if you stream 4k you will for sure.

You are half right. If a jury is involved the judge can’t decide the case on if they are hungry. Most (not all) judges will give more attention to a superior court case, but it’s not a guarantee.

Small claims court isn’t like the big boy court. The judge doesn’t have to follow all the normal rules, there is no ‘prove beyond 51%’ - that’s superior court.

My years of service badge says Sept 19th 2004.

My account is 13 years old - and it doesn’t use an email address for an account name.

That used to be how both sides would talk about each other - it’s only been from Bill Clinton onward that we’ve devolved into a snarling mass of ‘us vs them’ - TBH religion is the biggest cause - first because of roe vs wade. Second because of the blowjob. The first is a wedge that started the cause to ‘block vote’

My *un*popular opinion...?

a subjective measurement of the point of reference you happen to be conscious of this moment.

What? You can’t possibly imagine it. The outrage meter was pegged because he wanted to have a *beer* with two people as a ‘reach out and show we can be regular people’ type of thing.

I think that’s bullshit frankly. CEO pay increased because of tax laws. Back in the early 80's - if you made over 3 million in a year - 98% of the ‘over 3 million’ went to taxes. So companies didn’t pay CEO’s more than that really because it was a waste of money.

Well to be fair, Bill Cassidy does not care about you or your opinion if you are from Louisiana.

Yes - well even a broken clock is correct twice a day lol.

They do. Most of the time they just hire the person and have them do something new which then means the copyright is owned by the company - because that’s cheaper than just buying rights.

Here... although I want to point out - that there are a host of stats that make video look like the golden ad goose. The thing is really - that when watching a video it can’t take over your screen, and you can mute it - 80% of video played on facebook btw - is without sound. When advertisers wake up to the fact that

Possible - I think it has more to do with google linking. Same reason you get the ‘podcast’ stories.

Yes - unfortunately the entire thing is a race to see who makes the most money.

I think better cops in this country would take a host of factors.