
Thanks for that video - that entire thing is insane.

see the score?  All 9's - pretty sure bet it just can’t roll over - that’s usually the bug in these things the dev’s figured no one would ever hit that number.

Well Dan - you loaded the ball smasher 5000, primed it, armed it, then measured and made sure it would hit you right in the jimmies - then stood on it and pushed the ‘go’ button.  ‘OH MY GOSH HOW COULD THIS SMASH ME IN THE BALLS’ - no one thought that - not one time.  This guy worked for NASA?

I mean - lane splitting is illegal in Florida - even if it was legal - most lane splitting laws I’m aware of only allow it at slower speeds, not at highway speeds.

Of course it’s a loss to gamers - it’s a loss to the economy - name one merger that has been good for consumers or workers.

Japan’s economy says hello - and says your point is proven wrong - again - by history - that was just the past 25 years.

Deflation is the destruction of an economy - history says this 100% of the time - I don’t want to bet on us somehow being the first to change this, the consequences are too dire.

Question: If Rich Little were still alive would he have the right to use his voice to imitate the hundreds of real life people in a recording?

I’m curious - because I’ve seen this take a few times and I wonder why it is that everyone assumes a big studio *must* bring new IP out as AAA - wouldn’t it make much more business sense to just release ‘known properties’ with the bells and whistles and just do the new IP as B+/A with a limited dev budget?

>Remember, the goal of businesses is to maximize profit.


It runs great on my wife’s machine at 4k - but she has a 6800xt. It runs great on my kid’s machine at 1080 - but he has a 5700.

No - I’ve never claimed pandering is a non issue - nor have I said it’s bad - and I reject it’s an either or concept - as does Sarkeesian, which somehow everyone that harps on the Hitman video is unable to comprehend.

I mean this is why her videos were at freshman level (another accusation) - so many people can’t read a definition of a word and then understand how it applies to something.

That’s textbook pander’n. Just because something is a trope or pandering doesn’t automatically make it horrible. You should start paying attention to when things pander to you - it means they are trying to sell you something - and the pandering is usually a distraction from something else when it happens.

The nit picky crap was unreal. The gatekeeping was unreal. Like art critics all had to have ten thousand hours of painting before they are allowed to be a critic. Like Siskel and Ebert were fake because they weren’t famous directors.

Are you unaware of the muffaletta?

It’s funny though - streaming only ever made them money when the rights were with Netflix - must be something they are doing wrong.

NFT’s exist because of the number of people who looked at bitcoin and thought it was useless are furious with themselves for ‘missing the next big thing’ - this type of environment is what created the term ‘snake oil salesman’.