
ROFL - your reaction to new a new chip at 500 bucks that goes toe to toe with a 2,000 intel part is ‘meh I can stay on my (best case) 5 year old mb and chipset’. Sure you can - and you are litterally NOT the market for new computer parts. Why even comment other than to throw dirt on something - no one is forcing you

If your idea of serious gaming is 1080 - sure - I can do ‘serious gaming’ at 1080 on my 10 year old AMD machine too (60 fps - faster than a ps4!) whoopty do - you aren’t going to push 4k with that chipset - ever. You aren’t going to run VR with that chipset.

If you are happy with a chipset that limits you to 8 PCIx lanes - yeah any modern processor isn’t for you.

I’d actually be OK if she was the Dr. and he was the companion as well. Any show with both of them together is A+ in my book.

But he always wanted to be a ginger - and this would be the best!

My vote:

I’ll take it over another ‘dragonball z’ abomination or ‘last airbender’ - at least the material they are using is fantastic - lets hope it translates well.

It can hurt you to actually wish harm or malice on someone else - mentally it can hurt and leave scars.

Well if you want to go on facts - California pays more to the Feds than it gets - every year for the past several decades. So all the social programs don’t ‘cost’ the rest of the country a dime and in fact many ‘red’ states only make it due to the largess California pays into the system.

Well after they are sued by GW for using the likeness without permission they will disappear off the radar as well. /s

Yeah but in today’s world - where ‘alt-facts’ are somehow a thing - what’s a little word mis-appropriation.

My guess is that he’s using the ‘alt-meaning’

Yep - in reality it will depend on just how much the PS4 is using that usb bus for. Honestly though with USB3 I don’t think you’d be able to max it out without using a SSD so for practicle reasons it shouldn’t matter.

Unless the external is USB3 (or the firewire equiv. or esata) it’s going to be much slower than internal. USB3 is the first standard that is fast enough to mimic ide internal bus speeds - while new m.SATA drives blow it out of the water - but we won’t see that for another gen or two in the console world.

I’ve told my wife that I want to be cremated and flushed - although the flushing is most likely illeagal - disposal of the ashes in whatever manner is cheapest (tossed with the trash?) is my preference.

Well if you didn’t catch it yet... you can go back to last season and watch Flip Flappers....

People who always put ketchup on hamburgers and then confuse the flavor of the actual burger for the ketchup?

I hate being a pessimist - but all of recorded human history says that you are wrong.

As someone who loves all things Anna Kendrick, all I can say is.... YES!

Don’t worry - you will - the very second that Putin wants to tank Trump (say the same day he invades the Balkin states) that info will be leaked.