Advertisers - here are the rules under which I will *allow* an ad to be shown on *my* system (over which I have absolute and final control over - being it’s my property):
Advertisers - here are the rules under which I will *allow* an ad to be shown on *my* system (over which I have absolute and final control over - being it’s my property):
Imagine - for a moment - that every department is like an HOA, with HR policies as the ‘agreement’. Managers are there to handle the complaints from all the neighbors because they can’t get along.
You know when I replaced my ring and pinion the break in instructions had a section about towing - saying that no matter how long the set was in service the first time I tow I should go for around 10 miles - then let the differential cool down and do this again once more for good measure before I go whole hog.
My humble rebuttal:
No offense, and I know Hollywood is nutty, but what the hell else does she have on her plate?
This needs a meme honestly:
Well it has worked for the United States - granted we use the word ‘state’ instead of ‘country’ but we do it with more land and money involved and it seems to hold together well enough (1 civil war not withstanding)
There is an advantage to having money in your country - the banks can use it to create profit - even when it’s not their money. This is why countries like Ireland, that otherwise would never attract big multinational companies due to a host of issues, offer almost no taxes for companies to setup shop and hold the cash.
That’s not what I learned.
Here is a rundown:
A Traverse fits 90% of these - although it does have a few things that require the touch screen (or are easier - like pairing a phone, and responding to a text - it has a preset list you can pick from if desired) none of the essential functions (including climate) require touch screen and if he goes with the lt2…
Anyone that votes gets to take the day off from work, federally protected.
Did it feel hot to you last month?
Every vehicle from the 70's onward has platnum - it’s in the CAT.
And healthcare - they are used in healthcare extensively....
Right - if I made a movie and it made millions of dollars - I’d be over the moon.
Man of Steel did flop if you hold it up to expectations -
No they didn’t.
I’ve seen zippers work.... 99.9% of the time however even in a ‘functioning’ zipper where most of the people are working correctly - there is always a group of people who must push things.