Brian Colosimo

Julia Louie Dreyfuss?

Knifin' Around is very Zorak-centric…and great.

Damon & Affleck!

How was ANY of this something we did not know?

No, that was Birdman.

Are they sure it wasn't a Bono solo album?

That was creepy like a Marathon Oil Commercial or a Range Resources Commercial currently airing.

Why not Roger Moore?

When do they go into the box to have the sex?

or more…

Less Taco Bell!

Looks like he's wearin' a Edgar suit.

How about some sexy bronie fan fiction.

De Monet! De Monet!

Or Count De Money?

Thorins last words: "I hate the fucking Eagles"

No not Dexter.

Really nice article. Well written.

History Channel, Written by swindlers. "I'll give you 10 bucks for it, I've got to make my nut, you see."

New Band : Exene Cervenka + Courtney Love = X-Hole. Should be a killer.