
Let's face it your picking between 2 manufactures is like say it's either Ford or GMC. Well it's not and it's also not one of these two models Kobo Touch is much better and lots of support and if your not in the USA is far better then these 2 readers

So has anyone checked the tablets Yet? My company was thinking about deploying them - not now thats for sure.

Any change we'll get a real 4G phone with 110MB/s connection? I'm tired of phone companies pretending

@Syntax Error: Cold air from outside has far less moisture then inside air -thats why we have more static in the winter.

This sounds like a reason to stay with AT&T. If hords of people move to Verizon then the AT&T network should be great and they will be offering great deals to stay with them. It's like driving down a busy highway covered in pot holes. If 50%the traffic will be gone you can switch lanes to miss the pot holes.

i would pay for a slice of that? How much?

i would love it if they started flying again. i would take it in a minute

I would do this is a second in Canada.. just to be the first one in Canada to do it.

base jump from the living room anyone?

I need more cowbell!

This is why in the end Apple will win and Micosoft still makes lots of money. Open source only works if the Hardware is open as well.

That's not wood it's the plastic knob with the black scratched off and the simbols drawn on - this is a Dumb ass story

Wow any chnce he just opened the door because someone knocked?

This chart means nothing I'm in Canada it dosn't cost me 6.75$ it costs 35$ or 15$ a chart like this doesn't show the the number of subscribers on each plan and the average that it costs

Is that the new Canadian Flag?

this would have been great last week when I ipod was dead and I was on beach with out a charger

Clonezilla is the best i use it on my network everyday. Lots of driver support and very fast.


Vote: Hiren's BootCD

I use this app all the time it is the best I've tried and I do labs of 30 - 50 computers at a time. The network setup for clonezilla is weak but just doing a computer at a time is great.