Raymond Conlon

To review: that’s Batman with a shovel sticking out of his chest, getting to fight some more.

That’s Zap Brannigan you’re thinking of. Kirk’s horndog aspect has been exaggerated in memory and parody for so long that people think it’s canon but Kirk in TOS was a very by the book captain for the most part. The book he followed, though, was one that gave a HUGE amount of discretion and leeway to Captains on the

I’d love to see a game set after this one in the Batman Beyond setting with Terry. New villains, a batman with more stealth technology and the ability to fly... Huge futuristic buildings.

I subscribe to the theory that Bruce is still around and uses the fear toxin.

Goku being nagged and then ignoring chi chi 20 seconds in? Now I know Im really watching a new dragon ball series.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

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