
@CommodoreRake: Go to docs.com, it's a collaboration with Microsoft, and uses your FB account to work. Doesn't work 100% of the time, but when it does it's awesome.

I'm more interested in those robots at the back? Where can I get one? (or four?)

@MercerCh00x: That's what I use it for, brother ;)

Why not mount the monitors on your wall? :)

@JPMarat: And how would you know? ;)

@freakshowtime: OneNote with ribbon really is freakign awesome, esp if you have a tablet! For more kick ass-ery, check out the canvas add-on from Office labs.

Nice article, will give my girlfriend a heads up on this. On another issue, my Lifebook comes with dedicated media buttons but I can't get them to work on anything other than the pre-installed (and now uninstalled) Cyberlink player. Meaning they're now completely useless :(

@chorpie: Thanks for the sensible response :) People with sense and rationality are severely lacking around the web.

@lidster: Nope I'm not a Microsoft employee. Just an average web user who base my opinion on the fact that I've tried both products and found one better than the other :)

@Gus Sterneman: You're probably right. But there are lots of ways to get from Point A to the end result and I've found that MS Office provide a much smoother workflow for me. The Ribbon is an extremely huge improvement and I could work much faster without digging into menus! :)

@PowerPatrick: Wow that looks pretty good. I've been aware of Wine for quite some time now but heard of the difficulty in getting it to work. Maybe this'll help, thanks! :)

I would love to move to Ubuntu but the office suites available just ain't up to scratch compared to Microsoft Office...

Now playing

@rianocerous: Nice. Maybe someone could try doing a video version of the penguin eating the apple up a la this video:

Bing Maps 3D with Photosynth is wayyyy cooler than point no. 4 up there.

@IN THE FACE!: Hey that sounds amazing! Got a link to a tutorial on how to do that?

@Posco Grubb: That's not my pretty girl from high school??! :(((((((

When are they going to fix the lousy playback of .rm and .rmvb files? :(

I see someone is an enthusiastic torrenter ;)