
I have recently lost 80 pounds. I didn’t change anything I ate at all. I just changed the quantity and started exercising. If I had to actually stop eating certain foods to lose weight I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I know you aren’t supposed to but I still use food as my reward for losing weight or for

I feel like the ‘frequent small meals’ myth might have been lifted whole sale from the dietary advice given to diabetics. My wife is a diabetic and I have in fact heard her doctor give her the advice to eat frequent small meals. Of course the big caveat to all this is that she does so not as a boost to her metabolism

Yow— what in the hell is this mess? Chris Christie’s idea of “healthy”?

I remember being told not to eat before going to bed because it screws up the body’s ability to actually get to sleep, not because it contributes to weight gain.

What you find obvious today was written down by a man who wrote these ideas down 2500 years ago, 500 years before the birth of Christ. Whether you recognize it or not, you entire life has been influenced and transformed by it.

I think you may have missunderstood Sung Tzu. His definition of WIN is different from yours. The point is not about fighting well... Is about doiminishing loss of resources. War is expensive, if your chances of losing are high, DON’T GO TO WAR.
The Art of War is not a Martial Book, but a politics book.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

During a Major Life Event in the past, I downloaded the audio book of The Art of War.

You honestly sound like you haven’t read what Sun Tzu actually wrote, but rather, you’ve just read sound bytes that others have quoted?