This was max Microsoft for me. “What the kids want”: dragons and protagonist brought to you by Beats by dre. Leather jacket, edgy, young, Dante? Let’s have him talk to a silent pet because that doesn’t sound like an obvious way to force incredibly lazy plot into conversation. “So, you’re saying that the dragon heart…
I work on a birthing unit, not as a nurse or as a doctor but in another capacity. There are no male nurses on the unit, but about 50% of the delivering providers are male. I know from my mom that way back when, OB/GYN was seen as a “traditionally male profession” which makes little sense to me. It’s certainly not that…
Man that announcement trailer was some rough shit. The opening monologue sounded like a 4chan “wake up sheeple” thread, complete with a groaner use of “bloody” for emphasis, the story is about robbing from the rich because inequality (never been done before I’m sure), the graphics were jaggy and fuck me they need an…
I did that Dark Souls Manus exploit, too, only I got him down to about 10% health with arrows and dropped down to finish him off so I could feel like “I did it!”
I live in Canada, where right now we’re right about on the razors edge of our housing bubble bursting (they keep saying it won’t burst but just gradually shrink, sometimes I wonder). The latest independent report on the matter has pegged certain areas of Canada as being 60% overvalued, and that the market really can’t…
I’m sure some have already said, but just an update to your article in case people are freaking out about not finishing the Arianna questline and need another cord: there is a FOURTH cord you can get.
I visited Indianapolis for a conference once. I only remember a few noteworthy things about the city: Lucas Oil stadium is very, very large. It takes forever to get anywhere if you’re walking and cars do not like you. Police officers wear thin powder-blue fabric pants and shirts with shiny black boots and rest…
Yes, it happens in Canada, although it is regional in severity (like America). It tends to go: the more conservative a province or city is, the worse their track-record is (excepting the normally liberal Quebec government’s bizarre anti-muslim track record). Canada also has a huge racism problem in racist attitudes…
I would use any exploit to fight Ebrietas right about now. Her frigging charge is undodgeable unless you see it coming, un-lock-on, and dodge roll diagonally backwards immediately. I find myself fighting the camera the most that during that fight.
Trying to avoid spoilers here, but there is an area that you will encounter where you will be allowed to be invaded against your will, and I got ganked there several times just trying to make my way through the level. PvP etiquette isn't at the level it was in Dark Souls quite yet, so these battles are drawn-out and…
"Can I get a half-caf lite skinny two-pump vanilla caramel macchiato with no foam? I believe in watering down the black experience to make it as palatable to me as possible"
I believe there has been a case where a prisoner chewed through the veins on his wrist and bled out. It sounds disgusting because it is.
I wanted Starcraft 64 so badly and the BlockBuster didn't have it. I cried in a rocking chair while my family ate dinner for an hour. It was the last time I ever cried.
I think exes can't be friends friends, just buds. Being friends involves vulnerability and affection, and with an ex I think it's more than likely to turn romantic (or at least fuckful) just because of the openness a friendship requires. It involves caring about another person and...maybe try not to care about that…
Sooooo...I've seen more than a few gaming aggreagate sites (Kotaku, GameSpot, VideogamerUK, Polygon, etc.) run an article or a video about: "Does game length REALLY matter? Maybe the game is 5 hours. What if they were the best 5 hours of your life?"
Tomb Raider: Chatterbox: Complete all conversations with the Endurance crew (1.0%)
To be fair, the "5-hour" quoted mark really is a speed-run of the game. I imagine if one takes their time they can tack on another 1 or 2 hours to the proceedings, maybe 3 if they really stretch it out. The LetsPlayer doesn't stop to investigate scenery, read lore, talk to characters, examine the beautiful (it really…