
Loved all the little Easter Eggs, like that photo of this Earth’s Thinker. Courtney’s still borderline irritating in how bullheaded she is, but at least she does appear to be willing to listen to other people now, which is a tiny bit of progress.

She was also excellent in the Exorcist TV series.

I enjoyed this episode, but it felt really bleak at times. Yvette Monreal was really selling that guilt Yolanda was feeling, even though Brainwave had to go. Dude was too dangerous to live.

That’s definitely Alicia Witt. One of my most underrated actors as well - she’s always solid but never seems to get bigger gigs. I think her longest one was on S5 of Justified.

Not entirely a loser - he conquers the world and is worse than Hitler. But yes, he was in Legends.

I am almost certainly wrong, but I’m gonna go ahead and say that the end scene with Cindy was a nod to the cover of All-Star Squadron #1.

I mean Eclipso is one of the big bads so, in a way, we already have. He strengthens and corrupts dark emotions. 

I don’t think most people even know about that one, honestly.

Don’t you mean “rickcursion”.

Also, this Bird Person isn't our Rick's original Bird Person either.

I agree with Old Rick. Young Rick’s values are wrong. Who wants a Vietnam?

  • Hey, it’s the return of the dipshit bug aliens! Boy do those guys die easy, huh.

It could have just been a joking reference to the Season 3 premiere episode “fake tragic backstory” stuff, but I can think of a darker possibility fitting with the “you’re one of those creeps who moves in with abandoned adult Beth” line:

Watched this with my son, which led to me showing him clips of Hawk from the Buck Rogers t.v. show to explain BP. What I’m saying is: Rick and Morty brings families together.

There’s also the issue that Dan Harmon has already done a much, much better “Goodfellas parody” sitcom episode. A lot of this seemed redundant.

thank you. this episode was nearly unwatchable and there was nothing redeeming about it. during most of the season i asked myself why i even bothered watching this show (and i realized it was mostly to be in the loop since the show often gets discussed in other media contexts) but this was where i decided i just don’t

Everyone who feels like something is “off” this season is right. I think when it’s over I’ll sit back having absorbed all of it and wonder why there wasn’t just a bunch of wacky concepts while Rick and Morty went on adventures with Bird Person, battled the Galactic Federation, and forces from the Citadel.

And while I’m making trivial complaints... it’s a BIT disappointing that the GoGotron design (the Gotron made from 5 other Gotrons) looked exactly like the regular Gotron. No fun hybrid design or anything. It’s a lot to ask, but would have helped drive home the ridiculousness of a mech with 25 unique pilots.

I think my least favorite of the season so far. I don’t mind when the episode is less joke/gag heavy if the focus is the story, but even the story here was pretty lackluster. In the behind the scenes segment the crew was chatting about how complex and beautiful some of the scenes were, but it was peppered with so many

Yeah, this one was weak and a little hard to follow, IMO. I feel like this season’s episodes have been structurally all over the map; there really isn’t a clear sense of an act break or anything.