The show is definitely dubious of the Catholic church. The lead is an atheist who is usually right about miracles being fake, another is a Muslim with a dim view of religion.
The show is definitely dubious of the Catholic church. The lead is an atheist who is usually right about miracles being fake, another is a Muslim with a dim view of religion.
He was totally absent this week but raising aniexty about the family’s wellbeing looks like a big part of the show’s playbook.
When will you start doing reviews for Evil, you cowards? Stuff needs discussions.
He is totally a stock character. He’s Clint Eastwood in the Dollars Trilogy, Yojimbo, Mad Max, etc. And yes, Han Solo when we first meet him in ANH.
Also, Trey is a real big board gamer IRL.
Was that so hard? We should have had this months ago.
The entire plot hinges on him, bizarrely enough.
That tune drives me into a seething rage everytime I hear it. And the kids love it?!
We got a colorful desert scene at least.
Can you, though?
Everyone needs to watch The Nightmare on Netflix if they want a sleepless night. It's a documentary but still scarier than most horror flicks.
Evil gives me a lot of Medium vibes, ie: charming domestic stuff alternating with messed up weird horror.
It wasn’t just the jungle, though. There were Mayan pyramids too.
An actual serial killer?!
“I conquer with you” would be a badass expression.
Father O’Malley worked at my high school. It was so cool to just see “that Exorcist guy” walking around campus.
The most enjoyable series of the year. The plot races along and never drags and leaves you wanting more. Anthomy Starr steals the show but everyone is great.
The worst offender is Bram Stoker's Dracula.
No, you’re right. It sounds like they have a story they want to tell, but they’re unnecessarily shackling themselves to a world where a giant mutant alien squid monster destroyed New York City.
For me the decline became fatal when Oliver went to prison and them became SCPD. Nothing could make those storylines work, though I was eventually sold on the mayor plot.