
If you think that is funny, Hulk Hogan is running Gawker today.

Getting up before 9 would probably kill them. They might have to miss...oh my god it hurts to say it...brunch.

What next? Gawker postings before 10am? What a world.....

Lol good job not letting facts get in the way of your anecdotal opinions.

Alabama, in a championship year, generates about $40-50 million in "surplus" or profit, which is about half of the NY Giants' yearly profit. Additionally, the Giants have a value of about 2.2 Billion. People love the Tide, and a lot more love the Giants.

Not really sure what you’re getting at or what that observation has to do with your personal experience playing in coed leagues. I think everyone knows that #notallmen can beat every woman at every sport, but if you take a man and woman at the same level, whether that be weekend warrior, college or professional, the

On a professional level, women don’t have the athleticism to compete in sports that place emphasis on strength and speed. Look no further than 100m records or lifting records to realize the disparity is real. What women at your gym can do doesn’t enter the equation.

Put down the crack pipe.

I'm glad those coed leagues gave you such valuable perspective.

“They fucking rock and generally seem to be good role models for little girls.”

This. I’m actually disgusted she’s still on the team

Everyone besides the keeper you mean.

Came here for article about Leah Finnegan, leaving disappointed.

He’ll always have a home at Gawker.

I think the cold meds are kicking in because I have no idea what I just read. This is about a guy who just ruined his writing career by calling out some big names and emailing everyone his complaints? Is that it?

Inept? They pull in 7 billion a year to show beer commercials, they know exactly what they’re doing. The people who watch, on the other hand...

Common tactic that goes along with abuse... involves psychological manipulation. It’s an abuser befriending a victim and using emotional connections to slowly break down barriers so that the victim then trusts the abuser and is easier to control. Among many other things, grooming indicates that the abuser was putting

society: fuck this guy
horse: god no, not this again

“Sorry, M’lord, we now realize that’s just Wayne Rooney. Please strike the beastiality pornography charge.”

FYI, there was no jury in this trial.