I would be OK with thinking GTA when Saints Row is said, but right now I think SHITTY GTA when I think of Saints Row.
I would be OK with thinking GTA when Saints Row is said, but right now I think SHITTY GTA when I think of Saints Row.
@Qwxptlz: That would need the name Ice Cream Cone.
"It feels incredibly lonely to realize you can never share something with someone and have it be between just the two of you."
If you've ever considered internet bloggers to not be real journalists, this article certainly strengthens your case.
I bought Minecraft early on, and played it a lot. I just couldn't decide ultimately what to do with it. There is no goal, other than survival, and building stuff that no one will ever see or ever care about just makes me say "Why bother?"
@JasonKit: Starring? Are you in the video? Congrats!
@Extric: He did not mine any of this. They use level editors to get whatever they want and any amount of it.
@linkgx1: Really? I've never been unable to find an app for something I need?!?! What market are you using? The only place Android seems to lack is gaming, and that has never mattered to me, because if I wanted to game on the run, I would buy a PSP Go. Plus, with 2 of the hit iPhone games coming to Android this…
@Standish: I agree. Don't listen to the first douche that replied to you...he is an idiot. As a Verizon user, I found the Droid X ugly, the Incredible screen too small for my tastes, and don't get me started on Samsung's inability to update my Fascinate to 2.2, never mind when I might actually get gingerbread. This…
@tekufah98: So? Your Droid Incredible is still fine. It runs great. This phone has a 4.3 inch screen...you may not even like a screen that big! There is nothing wrong with the Incredible at all.
This will be my next phone. Im so sick of Samsung and there garbage of not having my Fascinate updated to 2.2! Plus LTE!
@screemname: When elected officials are conducting business on my behalf, then yes, I think I have a right to know what they are doing. How can I ever know if the officials I put in office are actually acting in my best interest OR telling me one thing to my face while doing another behind my back? I'm not saying…
@William Hook: Then move to the U.S.
@Face Imploder: In theory that is a great idea. In reality, I'll be the only dbag without the beta. My friends list is populated with guys I met playing GoW 1 (my first real lengthy multiplayer experience) that including clans and some online MLG tournaments. All those guys were as disappointed as I was with Gears…
@jerkofalltrades: If I buy the game, I can at least resell it when Im done with the beta and get like 24% of my purchase back (maybe a bit more if I do trade in credit). Plus the beta will most likely require you to have the disc in the console...that's how Crackdown was.
I knew it! I called this shit a while ago. This is the ONLY reason they pushed back Gears 3. They could sell a beta code with Bulletstorm to inflate sales, like Crackdown did with Halo, rather than having Gears 3 cannibalize Bulletstorm's sales. This is such bull shit. I should be getting the full Gears 3 in…
This reaffirms why I love dogs over cats. The dog looks at it, studies it for a moment, then thinks "this is stupid" and walks away.
@pizzelle: It's not funny???? And if it was suppose to be funny, then it is even worse than I originally thought.
@MaxPoint: I don't find it hilarious because it wasn't funny?!
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