@Chad_Sexington: Generally speaking, when you do a live demo, developers turn on "God Mode" so they can't die. No one wants to watch some idiot getting killed over and over when trying to view a demo.
@Chad_Sexington: Generally speaking, when you do a live demo, developers turn on "God Mode" so they can't die. No one wants to watch some idiot getting killed over and over when trying to view a demo.
@Chase Davenport: How have you had Gingerbread on your phone when it was just released today?
@BadJoJo: T-Mo's 3G coverage is crap. Defend them all you want, but it's the truth. I had my Nexus One for 10 months, and when I was driving and using Google Maps, the phone would constantly lose the data signal and the maps would need to be loaded (catch up) as I sped down the highway. T-Mo's 3G network is just…
@Royal-Jonsun: Yea, no Micro-SD card slot is a mega-fail in my opinion.
@angrykeyboarder: Agreed. Need a Verizon Android phone that is a developer model, that stays up to date and is free of all bloatware. Sadly, it will never happen because of Verizon needing to be able to nickel and dime every person possible for tethering charges. They'd never endorse a phone that allows people to…
@jayfrigginjones: My Galaxy S has fine reception and a fully functional GPS. Just doesn't have 2.2, which is garbage.
People are saying no headphone jack. This can't be true, can it? I think that is just wrong.
1)"Ask any Android user what they really want in their smartphone, and you'll hear the same response over and over again: a music service that allows downloads, streaming music, and automatic syncing. This is the holy grail for the Android army" ... I am an Android user since day 1 when I bought the T-Mo G1, and I…
@Shigmiya64: I hope you are joking
@ProjectPixel: I didn't even have to try it out. I already died such a death like a retard, trying to get a grenade next to the demolition site.
@Krakenstein: It was a night club!!! /sarcasm
I had a call of dooty earlier myself...but I used the toilet like a n00b.
@dracosummoner: In college? Clown college?
@mricyfire: Yea, I hear you. I only want to be able to buy the same piece of shit all year long! There is no reason if I go to buy a phone in December, I should be able to get the latest and greatest. That is just silly!
@slate1: Best comment ever. You win, good sir!
@rtatum1: I feel like we are in the episode of Seinfeld where George has the damaged briefcase and makes a mock up scale of what they already knew (with the M&M and the Power Ranger). After he recounts the story again, this time using his mock up of the Susan Foundation board room, Jerry says "and..?" and George says…
@GohanEgret: This was already featured on Kotaku. Quite honestly, these kinds of kills are everything wrong with FPS multiplayers.
Can't I already do this, by integrating this into Facebook, with a "group" comprised of my closest friends, rather than ANOTHER social network site/app to keep up with?
@Ken Rebarchick: If this really concerns you, you should probably be using an iPhone.
Never put "Important:" in the subject line. It will get ignored by most people as NOT being important. It is unnecessary. The subject line should be for the subject, not the status of the message.