
You can't polish a turd.

Can anyone tell me what the clock widget being used on the phone at the very beginning of the video is?

Win 7 Pro 64-bit and not one single problem since installation! Totally loving it.

What I really want to be able to do is have my computer automatically turn on at a certain time each weekday.

@Invisible-Echidna: Well if you are going to put up a comments section, expect people to call out an article if it is stupid or useless. If they have a problem with that, then I'll get my tech news elsewhere...no skin off my back. If they want to ban me for a harmless comment about how pointless this article is in

@Jahwarrior316: Well the Droid will be getting Android 2.1, which is what has the Speech to Text, but either way, the need for a keyboard will become less and less. Just get a better after market keyboard and you are good. FOr instance, on my G1 I run the Cyanogen Mod (my G1 is rooted) and the keyboard is

@Nick: Why? Because I point out that one of the articles is pretty useless and just a space filler? Didn't realize lifehacker was 1935 Germany.

@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: Android 2.1 features speech to text input, plus on screen keyboards get better and better. Just food for thought.

@Jahwarrior316: For what its worth, and its only my opinion, I think the Droid's keyboard is horrible. I have a G1 which has a great keyboard and after touching the Droid, I could never use it. That said, I find myself using my physical keyboard less and less and the Nexus One will be able to do speech to text input

I truly don't understand this fascination with using your phone as a gaming device. I ordered a Nexus One and it arrives today. I bought it as a good smartphone that will be able to get me to the web, be a personal organizer and play my movies and music. If I wanted to be able to play games away from home, I would

Slow news morning?

@Hoppes: Except both plans have the same exact features. So how ever much you overpay through the nose on the $60 off contract plan, you are going to pay the same amount on the $80 one. They both offer 500 minutes.

@Zenon Price: I saw you approved your own comment. Is that a privilege that LH gave you? I see things people write sometimes that I would like to promote, but there is no ranking system on here.

@epjaeger001: This is true and I did know that. But for people who don't, the Nexus One will currently NOT work on AT&T 3G. This has already been confirmed by Engadget. My point however was that the comment that ja2038 made was not true. T-Mobile has other plans you can use this phone with, assuming you buck up

@Doron Ben Chaim: Why do you care what other people want to own? I want a 1 GHz processor, and the form factor. I fail to see why it makes you so mad that other people might buy this phone? Unless you have some buyer's remorse on your phone purchase and are desperately trying to justify to yourself why it was a

The thing is, if you buy the phone outright, and get the 500 minute T-Mobile Even More PLUS package, which is an OFF contract $60 plan that has the same options as the $80 contract plan with the subsidized phone, you will still save money in the long run, even with the $530 price tag. I ran the numbers. Over the 2

@justsomereportingguy: You are wrong. If you buy the phone unsubsidized, you can get any plan you want. If you want the phone for $180, then t-mobile is going to make you enter into a contract that has oly 1 option...2 years at $80 a month. If you bring this phone to T-Mobile unlocked, they can't treat it

@ja2038: Google is going to sell the phone direct (according to rumors) for $530. At that point, you own an UNLOCKED device. You can then take it to T-Mobile or AT&T and apply any plan you'd like to it. If you own an unlocked device, the cell company has no control over what you do with your device if you don't

@chiieddy: Cyanogen Mod is amazing. And he has made it so easy to update, with the CM Updater. Rotting my G1 was the best thing I ever did on that phone. That said, I like the form factor of the Nexus One, and really want the 1 GHz processor. I will most likely be making the upgrade for that reason alone.

Come on, you can't seriously ask questions like this in a video game. I mean how many people do you end up killing before the game is over? And these are just guards doing their job. You would be BEYOND a serial murderer for all the deaths on your hands. And your justification...going after a treasure? In video