
@Pikminblue: This is what happens when someone who doesn't play a game posts about it. They nerfed the power of the akimbo 1887s and they fixed the private match glitch. There are other fixes as well, but there was no akimbo glitch. The main thing is you should no longer see, or be thrown into, private rooms with

@DiscoZombie: I'm calling BS. No one in that state of mind is trolling LifeHacker stories and bothering with the comments.

@Akhen: If I had the option to choose between $200 out of pocket, and T-Mobile's new no-contract plans (which are pretty damn good), OR free and be tied down for 2 years to one company, I will just put the money down upfront and be contract free.

@ca$h is Mr. Happy: 2 years for glitch free MW2??? You are OVERLY optimistic my man. This cat and mouse game NEVER ends. The glitch clans will find more exploits, the word will get out via YouTube, and IW wil fix. This endless cycle goes on forever, in every multiplayer game on the Xbox console. Your only hope is

@The-Real-Napsta: ARE YOU SERIOUS? Show me where in the guide it shows how to do this! Hell this game had the smallest guide I've ever seen to an Xbox game! Stop making crap up. I know you won'tcome back and answer this/defend yourself, because you know you just made some stupid comment that can't be substantiated

@BanhammerStrikesBack: This is a ridiculous stupid statement, and I will tell you why. They play tested it. The circumstances to finding this ARE obscure. How obscure? Of the 5 MILLION people that bought this game, it still took a few weeks to come across the bug. But you expect 200 people, most of whom are

That picture of Carrie Ann Moss makes her look like the gal that plays Dr. Cuddy on the show House. Also, the chick in the fourth picture on the right in the top row looks like Rachel Ray. I know neother of these are who they are, but it just looks like them when I saw the collage.

I thought boosting was an offense and could get your GT banned? I don't know that I would want to out myself and admit I am a loser cheater. Maybe it is just me though. I admit I play for gamerscore...in other words I do things in a game I normally wouldn't care about just to get the points...but I'll never boost

@larry.nic: Why should they be shot? Best I can tell, there is only 1 RAM slot, and a 4GB Laptop RAM chip is not going to be cheap. Yea, you may only use 3 GBs since it is 32 bit Windows (not that you can't go find a friend with a .edu address and upgrade for $30), but 3GB is better than 2GB. So I fail to see why

@LVP: Was Myst a Sierra game? I think even nowadays that game would take forever without the internet!

Eh, it is a game and is supposed to be enjoyable. If I am stuck and frustrated by being stuck, then I'll just YouTube it. If you let frustration mount to the point where it spoils the experience, then you ruin the game. Better just to get a hint or strategy from YouTube in my opinion.

@Jim-sama: They are adam and eve, and that place they are in is Eden. The "truth"is about the birth of man and where he came from. This shows a small clip depicting the origin of the human race and how we came to be expelled from Eden. That is how I understood it all. The only thing it didn't explain was why they

I have my 1000 gamerscore in this game and enjoyed every second of it. It was a great $60 purchase, and is personally my GOTY, with Uncharted 2 a VERY CLOSE second.Ubisoft has made a fan with this game, and I will happily purchase more content for this game and take the story deeper.

@Solday: "now I have to pay more money for it". You don't have to pay anything. You got the full experience. The story was told, very well I might add, start to finish. I didn't leave the game with any unanswered questions that weren't purposely left unanswered for the sequel. This is an OPPORTUNITY to delve

@(Human) Gyaruson: I completely agree and am glad you wrote this so that I didnt have to type it all out! Gamers are turning into a bunch of whining cry babies. You got a full game start to finish. Here is a chance to get more content and take the story deeper. If you don't want it, then don't buy it. It won't

@Friedhamster: After you jump towards water, wait about half a second and then hit A again. That makes him dive. To do a big cinematic one, you have to jump off a place where the pigeon crap is glowing. Any place on the roof where you see that bluish tint and pigeons fly off is a spot where you can do a cinematice

Instead, the game skips from the 1488-set Sequence 11 to the 1499 Sequence 12.

Assassin's Creed 2 FTW! The game was simply amazing. The story was so enthralling, controls were great, the open worlds were amazing. The way they mixed up the gamplay with the side missions, assassin's tombs, etc.. made the whole experience fun and never boring or repetitive.