
@jack2pot: I own a PS3. I beat Un charted 2. I also own an Xbox 360. And I beat Assassin's Creed 2. In my opinion, AC2 was a better game. I take nothing away from Uncharted 2, it was a great game as well, but if I was going to sit down and replay one of them, I would replay AC2 first. Uncharted 2's story got

AC2 is my current GOTY...yes, even over COD:MW2. I simply could NOT put this game down once I started. It kept me up till 5 AM one night because I kept wanting to get "just one more thing". I can not wait for the third one. I'm thinking modern times with Desmond as the assassin. Would be sweet and that seems to

@Kovitlac: Was the outfit available for your avatar or just in game? I was pretty disappointed that Ubisoft wanted to nickel and dime me for an avatar costume rather than making it unlockable by doing something like getting a 1000 gamerscore in the game, or something like that.

@Friedhamster: No "wow" moments? Detonating a nuke over Washington DC simply for the EMP to take down all communications isn't a "wow" moment? Yes, he meant to launch the nuke. It had 2 effects. It looked like the Russians were launching nukes (which obviously regains you some status in the world, since everyone

@Zinger314: Really? I thought that shower scene was easy. I just hung back and noob tubed the hell out of the riot shield guys. Takedown killed me (to the point I almost broke my controller). But that shower scene was a cakewalk, imo. I didn't die once on it.

@duiu: Not really. If Microsoft doesn't do this, and even gives the PERCEPTION that such actions are OK, then modded Xboxs will flood the market and developers will go elsewhere where they will be compensated appropriately for their content. You have to see the big picture, which your comment shows you obviously

@paralaxc: I think that is the expectation. I would never use Twitter this way (I only use it to share interesting stories about tech with my friends), but I think they eventually want in-game options to choose to tweet stuff, like mission status, completion percentage, etc. This is the first step towards that

Whats the rationale for not putting it on your primary PC? Are they just avoiding responsibility in case it borks your system? If so, just back up all your damn files beforehand. You should be doing this anyway! I know I've already learned the hard way in my life that backing up is essential.

@Mox FcCloud: Man, I ripped through Uncharted 2 in like 3 days. That story was so engrossing.

I never played the first game as most of my Xbox Live friends told me it got too repetitive way too quickly and thus was not worth the time/money. That said, between this review, and the mission video I saw on teamxbox the other day (with developer commentary), I have been convinced to buy this game. I just hope a lot

@Rayrunner: This makes no sense whatsoever. Your biggest gripe is having to reinstall all your stuff, but then you say going to a Mac is no big deal. You would still have to install all the stuff you want on the Mac! You could just buy a new PC as well and port your data over to that PC and it would be "no big

Yea, pull this story. I was stupid enough to fish around their website for 5 minutes before realizing something was wrong and checking the comments section. Granted that was fairly dumb on my part, but regardless, this shouldn't be up if the feature isn't available...don't give them free publicity/webclicks for

The simple fact is, I can not use Chrome (as much as I want to) until it has a zoom feature that can be defaulted. I have all my IE8 pages load at 125% because I have a large monitor. I can not do this on Chrome, which means I can not use that browser, as much as I like everything else about it. #chrome

UniBall Vision Elite. I love these pens!

@L_K_M: You are kidding me, right? If I sell a game I bought to my friend, should I be required to then send part of the money to a publisher? EB and others, while I agree they rip people off, are a legitimate business. They purchase unwanted merchandise and set up a distribution market to resell unwanted merchandise

Price is alreadys set, despite the story. At least it is set at bigbadtoystore.com. Thats where I ordered my first four figures from, and I have a pre-order for series 2 already lined up.

This is simple supply and demand. Voice acting is not nearly as skilled as regular acting. If he didn't like the pay, he didn't have to take the job. I gurantee you that if he had tried to bargain his salary, there were 10 other voice actors out there that would have worked that gig happily for the money he got paid.

Wow, Mega Garbo. I am definitely a Gear's fanboy and even more a huge HUGE HUGE HUGE Carmine fan as any of my Gear's friends can atest. Nothing like feeling the shaft when you hear the figure for your favorite character is a limited run available in one exclusive location which ends up meaning I will probably never