I'm Serious and don’t call me Shirley.
I'm Serious and don’t call me Shirley.
Don’t worry, you will be able to play God of War 9 and Uncharted: Nathan Blake Gets Old on the identically-spec’d PS5 as well.
One is ugly, the other is ugly and unique.
My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a…
Let’s hope it looks better when they take off the camouflage because right now that ass looks huge.
It’s funny how the most reasonable, level-headed, logical comment can legitimately be considered a “Hot Take” on this website. Well done.
Oh, no worries about that, it’s already “the Maki” from now until they rebrand this ^^
Hot take- the name is fine, and I’m really looking forward to driving one. Joe Consumer doesn’t think anything less of a Mustang because of this, and no one is going to mistake the two. People in the know will just roll eyes and drop the Mustang and call it the Mach E.
Tops are overrated.
But enough about our Big Wet President!
Also, boobs were flashed!
“Arby’s: When you feel like picking a fight with your stomach.”
Are... are you upset that a team, does a song during the 7th inning stretch? Since when does Boston own that? Ffs, Baltimore has Thank God I’m a Country Boy and I’m sure there are many more. Same goes for mascot races my dude. Also the food is regularly switched out and features local brands soooo...
And any Baltimore…
Camden Yards is beautiful. It’s a shame there’s no major league team to use it.
This is a bad take. The Cubs bandwagon is can’t hold a candle to how shitty Boston and their fans are.
I would expect something like this from say Albom or Plaschke but I’m actually surprised a writer as good as Pierce would log on with such a shithead take.
^^^5 stars
A Red Sox fan criticizing another team’s fanbase would be like if Arby’s started doing restaurant reviews.
Red Sox fans are so insufferable I started rooting for the Yankees.
Have no Nats & Astros takes, but just putting it out there that Red Sox fans are the absolute worst, that is all :)