
in large segments of the south “great-grandma was a cherokee princess” was a far more acceptable way to explain why your family tanned so quick than “maybe great-grandpa wasn’t the only one fraternizing with the help.”

but this guy’s from new york, so fuck if I know

What’s interesting is that the guy was born in Brooklyn, and all his arrest reports from New York identify him as “white male”. As far as I know, that’s self-reported, they ask you during booking your race.

This is all a big setup for a Full Bone Marrow Transplant Match at WrestleMania.

I’m trying to consider the most probable possibility here: (1) this is Blake Bortles; (2) a troll decided a pro-Bortles attack would be the best way to stir up shit online or (3) there are honest to God Bortles-stans. All three options seem equally possible.

Ohh yes, lets beat this dead horse more. They stopped offering cars that were not selling as well. It is a fairly common business move

I hope they let him take his dakimakura with him to prison.

Nice! A blurb on the Taycan but with only one picture... of a partially complete car. got that Tesla barb in there too. 

“Round is a shape.”

I dunno. White guys with dreadlocks are usually pretty insufferable. 

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

No one is forcing you to buy anything.....

Meanwhile Frank Reich just channeled Chuck Pagano and sharted the game to the Texans, fucking hilarious.

The two best things about Indiana:

I thought that was Kavanaugh’s job. 

There are very fine people on both sides of this attempted rape. 

“Uh...oh yeah, I forgot to introduce the witness that I’m going to spend the next several hours ignoring. Hey! Shut up, woman, I was going to do that. Don’t do my job that I forgot to do for me! Also, I totally didn’t forget because this is rilly rilly important to me, you guise”.

Feinstein and Ford are phenomenally patient and calm women.  If I was one of them, I’d already be strangling Grassley for his disingenuous bullshit.

I feel like that Mustang is perfectly fitted for crowd control since if the crowd gets out of control it’s just going to mow them down.

Very rare but, yes, it has happened. Off road mode in the Raptor dials the impact sensors way back (for jumping) but the inertia and tilt sensors stay relatively active. I’ve seen a video of a Raptor dropping down off a small sand ledge at an angle at high speed, which caused a quick tilting the vehicle, which triggere

Gotta fill those quotas? Fuck the original story or anything, as long as there’s a darkie