
It really depends on families sometimes, here in the States. When I see macho American men as actors, I'm usually constantly thinking, "I can't believe this tough guy is an actor. It's awesome to see, but I almost can't believe it." Because it's so unusual. All of the American men I've known/heard of who have been

I'm sad to say I agree that Efron doesn't show enough spark or energy in most of his performances. I'm not sure I believe he doesn't have that spark hidden away somewhere, but it's definitely not something that comes naturally to him, unlike, say, Shia LeBeouf.

My biggest complaint was the colors on the set, and Colbert's suit, which matched it so well. Maybe it's just our TV, but it was like… stark blue and red, so much of each that there was some major color bleed going on. (Never noticed a problem with our TV until during the episode tonight, so I don't really think it's

The first Comedy Bang Bang podcast I ever heard (I was already a fan of the show) was #266, the Calvins Twins. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna die. That might be a good place to start.