
I understand you not liking the episode it’s your opinion and you that right. But come on Rob you had to know by now that the head line that the episode sucked was going to make people angry? The funny thing is that episode is one of the one’s that stayed as true as it could to the books. So your hate of it kinda

You made some valid points, but you placed way too much importance on those issues. You spent so much time counting the trees, you failed to appreciate the forest.

Well, here’s the thing - and you pointed it out yourself. You are paid to do this - to write reviews. Meaning you have seen many episodes of many shows, I assume repeatedly, rewatching scenes for proper understanding. Most of us aren’t watching these episodes with that perspective, deconstructing each act. I’d go out

Though I initially disagreed with your opinion, after reading through your recap and reasons I actually have to agree with you RE: Sam’s death. You brought up some very good points.

Still, as far as entertainment goes, I have to go with the Roman masses and say that I was entertained by the episode. It was bloody good

It’s your job to deal with the inevitable comments you mention above, suck it up. I can think of worse jobs to have.

I agree. Sam’s death was foreshadowed all season, as was his mother’s. She had spent most of the season catering to him giving into fear, and dies because his fear takes over and she can’t deal with it. It also was closing the door on the “old” Alexandria, fulfilling a story purpose also shown by Gabriel and Morgan

I might not agree but I still enjoy your articles.

Two things: 1. Go read the comics. This episode was a delight for those of us who read the comics. 2. Go read the reddit thread on this episode and see if you can embrace any of what they clearly loved about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingde…

I’m hoping Sam’s death will weigh on Carol once she finds out, as she was the one who’s words came to mind as he flipped his shit.

I think you’ve sufficiently thought out your reasoning behind your dislike of the episode, but as the op said, and as I tweeted last night, it really feels like you watched something different than myself. But everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinions, and it sucks that people are giving you shit about

It’s almost as if two people might have different opinions on a work of fiction. Crazy.

Becuase hes pandering to the SJW crowd talking about “angry men” and how “he didn’t need to see a 10 year olds guts” etc, etc.

I was pretty the kid died because he was an annoying asshole. Like real life, asshole adults generally start out as asshole kids. The zombies eradicated a future problem.

Agreed. Yes, there was a bit of teasing deus ex going on. But my god! Sam’s death was telegraphed so clearly. His question about what happens if you can’t live with it, if you can’t stand it, shows why he had to die: like Beth, like Hershel, his emotional fragility and refusal (or inability) to adapt doomed him. He

If you’re tired of it then it’s time for a new job. Or skip the comments.

That’s Rob for ya!

Yeah, I thought this was one of the best episodes I’ve seen in a long time. You know that when the first bulletpoint under “Assorted Musings” is the writer defending their opinion before anyone’s had a chance to disagree, there’s a problem.

Literally, everyone on my FB feed this morning was talking about how it was the best episode in years........Haven’t checked out yet myself, but I can hardly wait. I do feel the show, and especially the comic, veers in to “torture porn” sometimes (well, the comic book a lot actually) so I’m really interested to see if

It’s almost as if we watched totally different episodes.