
Avoid those GLORY BOY gourds and enjoy Gregggg Easterbrook’s preferred autumn beer:

Is it just me, or is the mace being stored upside down? Do I have a wrong perception of the heavy end? Because I’m looking at that and thinking a slight bump into the rack and there’s a spike going through my toe.

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What is the appropriate sharpness for axes to be used for dancing?

There’s always room for another team in LA.

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He’s like a superhero who has NO control over how or when he can use his powers.

That this was taken at a Sheetz completes the entire photograph.

(The pink per capita map on the same page is more telling. You’ll see Virginia and Utah have quite a few companies for their populations.)

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Bonus point: every camera is stationary.

Compare it to something more recent (and recently reviled) as Sense8 where the Wachowskis can’t stop moving the damn camera.

Most of the folks in my feed who posted this meme went straight from the transphobia to the jingoism. One favorite went “how can vets like Callahan get the shaft by a guy who cut off his shaft? Shows how much pop culture hates vets.”

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I just presented about some of these things to a group of city planners. I look forward to chatting more, but we’re on the way to swim lessons.

9:30am kickoff in the east. 6:30am in the west.

Or maybe a stack of very tiny bureaucrats in a large coat.

Last night’s grand Late Show With David Letterman finale was a strange, disjointed mix of mawkishness, nonchalance, and way too many commercials...