
Welp I think that's the only nessus-ary comment we're going to need here

Sounds a lot like a.... Pyramidion scheme to me.

I love that game. Sure the platforming was really easy, but there’s so much about how it did things that I loved.
I’m honestly torn between wanting a sequel and just leaving the story where it was at, because it’s just storywise such an interesting place for a story to end.

Dang, you almost got me with that title, haha

Now playing

I still remember you, PoP 2008. You were fucking amazing.

What a tease! I just want a new PoP game. Despite the poor story and character design, the last PoP game (released around the time of the movie) had some really fun platforming sections toward the end that required quick power switching.

Except that depending where you live in the world, having the kind of unlimited monthly bandwidth this would require would set you back a couple of hundreds per month in a mobile plan...so it’s all relative. I definitely don’t see this making any monetary sense where I live, as far as “gaming on the go” is concerned.

That and dying over and over and over....

With 5g coming it seems like being able to take a small laptop with little power and great battery life and game at 60 fps just about anywhere makes a whole lot of sense to me.  I could also see people enjoying paying $5 a month instead of dropping $1000 on a gaming PC and getting the same experience.

“I mean it is, but it’s also good ol humans that make up the dictatorship.”

Yes, let’s trust China, says everyone, all of the time.

Says the person who completely overlooks China's proven history of government sponsored hacking and industrial espionage.

Every dictatorship ever was made up of humans.

Uh, no, it doesn't. Call me when the FBI throws you in jail for sharing a Winnie the Pooh meme.

What are you even talking about? Western countries actually have robust IP laws which are by and large respected by American companies. And those that don't respect them and get caught are prosecuted.  To pretend that we are even remotely in the same league as China which is universally recognized as the world's

Go to Washington and protest whatever you like. Now go to Beijing and try the same thing, Let us know how that works out for you...

The best part about your comment is that its very existence, the fact that you felt comfortable posting it without fear of reprisal, is evidence that you’re full of shit.

Nice try, CHINA.

And Astroglide was originally intended for use when cooling space shuttles. Also,

Edited comment : I think the problem is that when I wrote “dumbass relations”, I was speaking more in terms of someone who gives their DNA to one of these services and NOT about your relations in particular.