Haha that was my thought too
Haha that was my thought too
Haha I didn’t even notice, that’s some good stuff!
Is it still available for iOS?
It’s nice that you can buy them seperate, but I won’t be taking advantage of this. Still have my copy for the PS4 that I bought years ago.
Is it available for purchase yet? I can’t find it on their website :(
Can’t count how many times I was denied because I didn’t have a Gjallarhorn :(
I got myself into this badass double play, does that count?!
I’ve fell off a couple cliffs in Dark Souls Remastered due to drift
Yeah I panicked and texted my gf about it, to which she responded, “already finished them all!”
Was Vanessa your NIECE? Sorry for YOUR LOSS DAVID LOL!!!
Where will I be able to buy this game on the PC? I’ve heard talk of it being EGS exclusive but also heard that it will be available on the Microsoft store.
no you dum-dum ur supposed to expect your employer to know what you want and then implement those changes without you asking.
“I have never met someone in game that isn’t a horribly toxic and either sexist/racist/transphobic etc of some kind”
like games one would play in prison?
‘Yet even as it rolls out its Epic Mega Sale, the Epic Games Store doesn’t have a shopping cart...”
really bad satire?
Was playing Bloodborne last night actually, love that game. Would make sense with the recent release of Sekiro as well.