
I said nothing of what users of this website have control over.

Only if you are married.

It’s really weird how an article on a new game plus mode acts like we’ve already beaten the game or something, smh. /s

The last horcrux is a chocolate frog!

Geez that sucks about the pricing, sorry to hear that.

No interest in Horizon Zero Dawn or Bloodborne?


Yesss (even though I certainly don’t need them) the controller and the headset has my piqued my interest...

Refurbished Roaches is my new band name.

That...makes more sense hah.


He’s throwing the bat into the stands so the fans can shower it with love and nacho cheese sauce.

Me when I pick up a spider and shock myself

The GTA V potato mode video is hilarious

I played probably around 10 hours on my Xbox before it took backseat to other games. Decent game, & I’m excited to see how it runs on my PS4 Pro.

Only time he approved of something I did was in a dialogue where I chose the rude response. Gave me a little chuckle.

Anyone else experiencing issues with PS4 boost mode enabled? Frame rate seems to drop and keep seeing random holes and slits in the terrain. Gonna try later with it off to see what happens.

Congrats on the first comment that’s made any sense

Ornery Siamese Testicles

Who says good single player games aren’t made anymore