Rayce Archer

The ol’ jetski method.

See sunk cost fallacy.

I’ve been saying this for months. the body color around the air vent looks super weird. way worse looking than the low tail lights in my opinion

This sounds sponsored. The Santa Fe attempts to look like a Land Rover, but looks very eastern bloc and drives like a tall crossover. All hat, no cattle.

lol at the plastic sheets protecting the floor mats...  don’t get the car dirty!

This guy has two average looking beards. Both have good shape but the face ruins it.

BMW is treating it as a powertrain option (and Hyundai to some extent) and it seems to working for them.

Considering where we are 5x sales in 8 years is not a tall order. Other countries have done it. 

Does it revolve in any way (including indirectly via the inclusion of, say, a Palpatine or Han Solo’s cousin or whatever) around the goddamn Skywalkers?

The forest moon of Endor?

I just hope that, when and if a Rogue Squadron movie ever does get made (fingers crossed for you, Patty!), it involves Wedge Antilles, the unsung hero of the rebellion.

Drove an RS eTron GT once… I was scared of who I became. 

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

Also, this guy is doing it to make money off his video.

Although I am in the nuclear industry and think it is a great way forward, I can’t forget about wind. Wind is proving to be better than solar for making power. Basically for each MW of capacity you install of wind, you need to install 2 MW of solar capacity because the wind blows more often than the sun shines.

Now playing

Trust me, it’s never too late to get into the greatness that is Chrono Trigger. I first beat this (several times, to get the New Game+ endings including the wrap party where Toriyama-sensei and others are partying) on SNES. I’m not the only one who considers this JRPG one of the GOATs.

that was beautiful

The Brotherhood of looking like a walking highschool desk.

Pete Davidson isn't looking so bad these days.

I found the original auction pics. Defnintely not “just a bumper.”