Rayce Archer

Industry self regulation has been an ANTI- government tirade since the Regan years. It seems to always fail. see railroads, chemical, and food industries.

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign,

Here come all the, poor people should not get college degrees, leave all the positions of power that need college degrees to the wealthy comments, combined with only but a car if you pay cash and do all the work on it yourself to get it running even if you do not have the skills or space comments. I managed for

“Tire shops really, really *want* you to know about this one weird trick”

What a cool little car. If it was any other manufacturer I’d be all over it, tossing my wallet at the reservation screen. But I’ve read nothing but awful things about VinFast. If their $50k cars drive like ass, then I can't I'm what their $20k car drives like.

If you want to play a modern version of the good Arkham games, just play Insomniac’s Spiderman. Bespoke, narrative side-quests and detailed environments crafted with clear intention - along with that sort of ‘dodge and parry when this icon is above your head’ gameplay that, when done right, feels slick as hell.


Elon allows racists, Nazis, and CP on his platform: FREE SPEECH ABSOLUTIST!

100%, it’s grifters all the way down. The alt-right are all incredibly easy marks especially if you say the right (pun intended) words. They’re willing to adopt (and give money to) anyone as long as that person is “anti-woke” or “strong” or whatever the hell it is they want to see to verify their warped world view.

It’s just the general lack of respect for gaming. As much as it pains me to defend gamers, who are often enough pretty awful (see gamergate, et al.), no one tells a kid to go out and get some fresh air if they are spending all their time indoors reading books.

You dont understand the issue.

They damaged the railcars. Those have value.

It doesn’t?!

I’m really disappointed to learn that this movie isn’t about Wilbur’s spider friend Charlotte deciding to open a brothel.

seriously, who the fuck is looking forward to this, outside of people who want to stare at Sweeney some more. 

“No, really, we mean it!”

Until we get an adaptation of the story that had Peter kill Mary-Jane with his spider-sperm, there will always be SOMETHING left to say.

Madame Web is definitely a film of 2024.

I found the movie so, so grim that I never tried the book.  I was probably 10 or 11 when I first saw the movie and it was just so sad and depressing to me. I didn’t revisit it again for a long time until I saw the musical several years ago and it was much easier to absorb.  It wasn’t as harsh throughout as the movie