Rayce Archer

So what? Doesn’t mean he’s not a racist. Strom Thurmond was a virulent racist who fathered a child with black housekeeper; the GOP don't understand things like nuance or dissonance. 

God these things are always mechanically amazing and otherwise look like super fancy Mitsuoka Orochis.

Now playing

Disney never syndicated Gargoyles to India so I didn’t really watch the show as a kid. Ended up taking a look at it once episodes started popping up on most P2P hubs. However we did get something related to the mythical creatures themselves, an ancient ritual used to make gargoyles converge, a hymn sung melliflously

Time to unreasonably get people’s hopes up!

I feel this happens in a majority of competitive games that get a slight esports scene going. It ends up being led by the smallest part of the playerbase and bleeding players.

TF2 where you can basically do what you want, these seem like pointless exercises in pettiness.

Imagine Body Harvest, but it doesn’t suck.

Chinese sort of have a monopoly on rare earth material I hear. If we know we need one, we can buy about 100,000 of them now so that if China tells us we can’t have any, we have plenty.

the queen in her Mondeo

It never stops amazing me how much attention people in the US pay to the UK royal family.

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The Venture Brothers had a pretty interesting take on Mystery Inc. 

We’re becoming very concerned that since we’ve been charging 10-50k over MSRP forcing consumers to essentially be upside down forever, that they won’t keep buying cars which we didn’t think would happen and is very confusing to us.

I work in the nuclear industry. This sort of issue is also in my industry.

Yeah I figured that’s what “beating” it would be - all the tracks. Don’t have to finish first, but gotta finish high enough to keep going.

I listened to a lot of Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck/Sean Hannity (they're all the same show) back when I had to commute and whenever anyone asked why I'd say it kept me liberal.

All you have to do is throw a 300 front end on a magnum. Boom. Friend of mine did his years ago. 

I mean Hollywood is run by corporations that are largely run by Republicans, but sure...

Like driving electric cars to avoid fossil fuels, without realizing much of the electricity powering the cars still comes from fossil fuels”

Or, fuck you asshole.