Rayce Archer

Kiwi: [is chill]

Just want to say that these art posts are a highlight of my mornings, so keep em coming. I wonder if Kotaku publishing a coffee table book with some of the artists you’ve featured would be cool? I’d consider it (cost dependent).

Are you Barbara Walters?

Looking at this... I’m surprised more home hotrod builders aren’t building Wedge cars. Been thinking about this for a few years now.  

That Aixam Mega Track just screams rally car. I’d love to see it at a Dakar.

my only disappointment with the Sonic 3 & K part of Sonic Origins is that Icecap music is crap now.

I can live with Launch and Carnival being swapped out, but Ice Cap was life.

Wait what? Kirby sucks.

I misread the title and thought this was about two gamers breaking up over the other’s taste in games. Like, "You hate Kirby? I'm sorry, we can't be together anymore."

My most recent ex used to constantly complain about my gaming. It got to the point that, after we’d moved in together, I could only do it Saturday and Sunday mornings before she woke up. But the hours and hours and hours of reality tv she watched was somehow, “Not a waste of time like gaming.”

I felt a great disturbance in the Face, as if millions of anus suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

Yes, absolutely to This Film is Not Yet Rated. The whole ratings system is arbitrary and pretty wild.

Just recast the entire movie to the Sunny cast. Frank as Mario, Charlie as Luigi, Dee as Peach, Dennis as Warrio.

We get to say that we have arachnids pooping on our faces every day.

If you haven’t already, I HIGHLY suggest watching “This Film is Not Yet Rated” for an inside look at how utterly and completely fucked the rating’s system is. Boy simulated masturbating? PG-13. Girl simulated masturbating? NC-17. It is completely ridiculous, and I’m glad that streaming services pretty much don’t have

the end was so insane.

Someone you know, maybe even someone you love, may be secretly struggling with being Italian. Think before you speak hate. 

Wait? Are we not suppose to make fun of Italians now? What are those spaghettis swilling Pizza lovers gonna do?  Call their one uncle who is “totally really a made man”?   

The marketing hook of: “this is the film that made Andy want a buzz light year toy 26 years ago”, isn’t really much of a hook. No one ever gave a shit WHY Andy wanted a Buzz toy. It was irrelevant. All that mattered was it was a wildly popular toy. That was blatantly clear already and that was all that needed to be

Here’s an idea... Buzz Lightyear, by himself and in his own fictional universe, isn’t that interesting of a character, and is really just a generic science fiction hero.