Rayce Archer

Hell yes, I frequently listen to Well There’s Your Problem, that guy’s (Justin Roczniak) podcast about engineering gone wrong. It’s excellent, but you have to have an acquired taste of irreverence when speaking about horrible shit.

Maybe the solution is to have bigger vehicles that can carry more people in one go through the tunnel. If it’s really high volume, maybe link the larger vehicles together in a chain so that they all travel at once all at the same speed.

Now playing

Everyone saw this coming. In fact, one of my favorite dry YouTube narrative makers, DoNotEat01 did a 40 minute min-doc in 2019 explaining exactly why The Loop would fail.

What are you, my wife?

Did your dad also hand-crank start his own cars? ‘Cause that is actually how you start a car? It’s more “engaging” and causes you to “actually learn about governing the engine”.

What if your PC could allow in even MORE dust?

Talk about overengineering. Just stick a mesh in front of the fans and be done with it. This is just introducing 18 extra points of failure that will no doubt need specialised tools/parts to repair.

Foveated rendering? I did not know it was going to have that! That’s crazy. The technology makes such perfect sense.

In case anyone’s wondering what that means; basically all the graphical power pumped to the headset will try to be at highest fidelity precisely where your eyes are pointing. This allows the peripheral

I can confirm at least WNET New York it was Saturday Nights followed by PBS Mystery!

Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t (at least in large part) an opportunity for good PR for Frank Kent MC.
Still, motives aside, good on them for stepping in to help out.

That’s a Lada rust!

My understanding is that it’s more akin to: some random guy in the Louvre “sells” you the Mona Lisa, and what you actually own is a receipt saying that you own the Mona Lisa, while the painting itself stays exactly where it is and you have no actual control over what happens to the painting itself.

It’s a start. The real question then becomes, can they go back and unmake the shit they already did?

Of the Matrix films, this is the Forth.

“The plot is pretty Basic.”

Surely given the subject matter of the film, the grade should have been C++?

Yeah, there’s some interesting stuff going on here about fan vs actor vs franchise ownership of characters. Morrison has said he had a good deal of input into Boba’s character as he returned in The Mandalorian, and the whole direction seems to be shaping him into the type of honour-bound warrior who are already all